View Full Version : Bad anxiety over lump in mouth

12-05-16, 11:40
I'm surprised I've not posted here before as I've had health anxiety since I was 17!

Long story short. I was diagnosed with a throat infection yesterday. The day before I found a lump on yhe right side of the hard palate. On the roof rather than the gum and between the back two teeth. Google tells me there is a gland there.

Subsequently I booked the dentist and have seen her today. She reconsider it's my throat infection and my nose is blocked causing my sinuses to swell which I think is rubbish as it's a small lump not swelling as such. I have Google it and most dentists said it's not possible for sinusitis to cause this. In fact, nearly all results point to oral cancer and this type would be a bad one (I know all are bad but one of the worse types with bad outcomes).

So basically I'm now in the mindset that I'm going to die. The lump is sore and I can press it with my finger. It's not present on the other side. The dentist told me to go back in 2 weeks if it grows but I can't stop thinking about it.

I don't know what to do. I'm in the UK and one cannot simply go and see an ENT consultant.

I'm 28, female, non smoker, rarely drink. My oral hygiene isn't the best admittedly. I've 2 toddlers and forget sometimes to brush. My teeth are apparently in very good condition.

Gary A
12-05-16, 11:53
A non smoking 28 year old has the same risk of oral cancer as a skinny marathon runner has of chronic obesity. None, in other words.

Glands swell in the presence of infection, it's caused by a build up of white blood cells which is the bodies defence against infection. The fact that it's painful also points away from oral cancer.