View Full Version : Constant neck tension

12-05-16, 19:36
My neck muscles the two that like attach to the back of your head base of the skull are always tense, and i get neck ache throughout the day which i think is causing my headaches.

I have tried so much self care, stretches and better posture ect it's really getting me down. I have a physio appointment on Monday but not feeling great about them being able to help, only because i once had physio for lower back and it was pretty rubbish, learnt better things online.

I use warm cloths on the back of my neck which help for about 10 minutes, my partner gives me massages and says he can feel that they are tense, when he's finished they do relax a lot but doesnt take long before they are tense again.

No really bad pains just a constant aching and the headaches, anyone else?

12-05-16, 19:38
Yup same here. Had a deep massage a few days ago but still very tender so dont know if any better or not tbh xx