View Full Version : Car crash

11-03-07, 18:57
Hi all,

Strangely, my latest fear comes after being in a car crash at the weekend. My car was hit by a bus yesterday, no where as bad as it sounds, but I ended up getting a bang on my head in the process. I had a lump above my right temple. The paramedics turned up, checked me out and said I should be OK, might just be a bit dazed for a while, but to keep an eye out for the normal concussion type symptoms.

Well, I have had a mild headache on and off since it happened and have been feeling a bit woozy (my wife thinks its the shock of everything that happened yeaterday).

I even called primary care today and explained that I was still feeling rough and they pretty much said that I need to keep an eye on things, but now I'm terrified that I might have really cracked my skull and that I'm on the verge of something awful happening. Primary care said that I could feel bad for as much as two weeks but I'm really scared. I know this is a slightly different post, but any words of logic would be very, very welcome.


PS, could the shock and stress be making me feel tired/achey/lightheaded??

11-03-07, 19:31
you are anxious, therefore you will be suffering from symptoms of anxiety. Shock from something like a car crash often dosent actually really set in until much later after the event when you start to think about what really could have happened. It is correct that you could feel bad for the next couple of weeks maybe longer but i dont think that you should start thinking that you have fractured your skull,if you had done it seriously then you would be displaying very definite symptoms which the paramedics (who are highly trained) would have picked up on. I think you are just suffering from a bit of delayed shock with anxiety. You have had a bit of a fright and its natural to be feeling this way, try not to worry.

11-03-07, 20:12
Thanks Nell.

I guess I'm stressing which is adding to me feeling bad. I guess the paramedics would have pushed me to have further treatment if they thought I was in any real danger. Plus, my wife is keeping a close eye on me to ensure I'm not acting weird.

But I still cant relax about it all. I've heard storied about people getting knocks to the head and then days later collapsing with all sorts of horrendous complications. So, you guessed it, I'm waiting to keel over with a brain injury that I'm sure has gone undetected.....

:weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep:

12-03-07, 16:44
I was in a very serious car accident 6 weeks ago but wasnt hurt. my friend was! but i can understand your feelings shock does funny things to you even now im still very nervous when travelling in a car and sometimes panic when the traffic is busy. i also worried that after the accident i would find something serious wrong with me that the hospital missed. but im fine and so will you be its a very frightning experience and is bound to play on anybodies mind. i hope you feel more relaxed about it all soon. x

12-03-07, 19:20

Sorry to hear about the crash. I bet it has shaken you up more than you realise.

Hope you feel better soon.

13-03-07, 14:07
Thanks for the kind words guys.

Have been feeling pretty damn rough since it all happened. Headaches are starting to ease and I'm left with a feeling of general grogginess and a bit wobbly. But, trying to think with my logical brain (that I'm sure is still concussed), I think my anxiety might be contributing to the symptoms..??..?.?

Spent most of the morning yesterday up at A&E as I had been feeling sick and REAL sleepy. It was pretty scary not knowing if it was the concussion or just the shock/stress of it all. Anyway, the doc's were brilliant and they pretty much said go home, take paracetamol and if it gets worse come back. But, (apart from a panic attack the instant I awoke this morning:weep: :weep: ) the symptoms seem to be ever so slightly better today. The doc also confirmed that the headaches and other symptoms can last for a fortnight or so....


Oh well, I guess I had just better sit tight and try to ride this whole thing out.
