View Full Version : Could a long term anxiety suffer confirm my symptoms?

13-05-16, 05:02
I have Depersonalisation Disorder stemming from a nervous breakdown last June. I have been to my GP with other physical symptoms and he tells me they are all caused by Anxiety. If someone who has experience could take a look at my symptoms below, I'd be grateful of the opinion. (It's worth noting I have had MRI, EEG, ECG and blood work which were all Normal). Could you tell me what sort of Anxiety it is as I'm pretty clueless.


Panic Attacks: Severe DPDR/light sensitivity/involuntary trembling/ muscle jerks/ Cold hands and Feet/Numb and tingling Lips/Sweating/Hysterica ie.screamin/Tightness in left arm/Seeing stars/Loss of Vision/sound distortion/Aching calves/ Sense of impending doom. Then I usually faint (frequently during PAs) then I am sometimes Violently sick. I've also started to have panic attacks in my sleep....is this possible?.I wake up with a buzzing sensation all over and seeing stars!?

The rest of the time:
Racing heart
Cold hands and Feet
Worrying that I have a severe disease
Buzzing/Popping/Tingling sensations under skin
Muscle Twitches
Feeling Faint/Dizzy/Vertigo
Stiff Shoulders
Muscle Jerks before Falling asleep
Throbbing pain in right side of neck on standing
Forehead Pressure
Choking sensation and Thirst
Soreness behind Eyes

I am relatively new to the world of Anxiety as I have been preoccupied with My Depersonalisation Disorder.

Do these symptoms sound like Anxiety?

Many Thanks


13-05-16, 05:22
Sounds like you have almost every anxiety symptom in the book. Considering you've had all them tests done and all were normal, I'd say your doctor is right. Did your doctor recommend any ways to help combat the anxiety?

13-05-16, 05:32
Thanks for your response.
I've had so many different sensations I think my doctors had enough of me.
He has referred me to a Psychologist for depersonalisation, but as far as the Anxiety goes, he has left me high and dry.
I have tried self help CBT and Mindfulness Meditation. I honestly don't know what else to try?

15-05-16, 06:59
You're on a long journey. Keep up with the CBT and mindfulness meditation, they are long term fixes, rather than a quick solution. Surely the psychologist will look at the anxiety as well as the DP?

16-05-16, 00:58
Thanks For the advice - I need as much as possible. Hopefully they will help me with both Anxiety and DP.
Because I'm new to Anxiety I have no idea what the best things to do are.

18-05-16, 02:56
Everything you've described I've also experienced, with a few more personalized ones added on. I believe they are all from prolonged anxiety.
I just recently started medication and am finally started to see relieve. I would like a med-free alternative, so keep up the CBT and meditation and make sure to post any finding you might have.
Good luck friend.