View Full Version : Ears pressure, funny reactions please help

13-05-16, 10:39
Please please, i feel like my hearing is not very well. Like the sounds are a bit far (is it part of depersonalization)? Moreover whenever I put a conversation cd to play (I'm a teacher) my ears start pressing with the tone of the speakers, its also the feeling of always having this feeling like when we gape, or when we are in the airplane... I'm so scared doctors said there is nothing wrong with me.. Maybe if anxiety sufferers can relate to this symptom I can feel better?

13-05-16, 13:09
I have this all of the time and Random ear popping. They feel like they need to Pop continually and I often have to say 'Pardon?". Usually this happens during turbulent weather or times of Low Atmospheric pressure. This isn't a serious problem unless you experience other very noticeable and painful ear symptoms.

I also have Depersonalisation disorder.

Please try not to worry. And try not to poke anything in your ears and keep really hydrated.

13-05-16, 16:07
I have this alot I feel asif I'm going deaf I also get it where noise feels to close and asif it's in my ear !
I get random ringing and all sorts do you suffer with headaches ? I also get a feeling I'm been hung upside down or underwater

14-05-16, 03:55
Thank you so much for answering. I do have headaches from time to time. I just woke up to go to the bathroom and now I focused on my ears ringing... :( I feel like since there is no sound at all in the room I am.focusing on this. It's the sound of the silence if you get me. I am scaring myself so much now that I will go crazy because of this :(((((
Your comments helped so much to understand I am not the only one who experiences this.