View Full Version : Combating constant tiredness

13-05-16, 15:20
Having a rough week in terms of my anxiety/depression been sleeping on and off, last night I slept around 11 hours but I still feel tired and it's making me not want to leave the house and that just makes everything worse! Viscous circle all round!
Doesn't help that I have a cold either.

Any tips for an energy boost?

Thanks :)

13-05-16, 16:14
Are you taking vitamins, supplements? Try 1000mg vitamin C
Remember that anxiety and depression will leave you feeling very tired so be knd to yourself and rest as much as you can

13-05-16, 16:38
I'm on citalipram at the moment and am taking a daily magnesium supplement as I read it helps with anxiety but never tried that thanks for your help :)