View Full Version : 20mg 5 week. Not feeling it!

13-05-16, 17:26
Well today is 5 week at 20mg citolapram. Just not feeling it! No motivation,exhausted,miserable, anxious, grrrrrrr!! Just needed to moan. X

13-05-16, 17:41
Hang on in there Polly. I'm going into week 8 on mine and still waiting for the magic show to start.

13-05-16, 18:47
Yep hang in there!!! I will be six weeks on Monday and I am starting to see some gradual improvements.

13-05-16, 19:50
I think I just want a miracle! It's such hard work. Thanks for support guys:) much appreciated. Hope you are both doing well. X

13-05-16, 20:09
We all wish for miracles, but sadly they don't happen. When I first got anxiety I was sure that I would be over it within a few weeks, boy was I mistaken! I've come to realise that there is no miracle cure, no magical panacea that is going to make this bloody affliction disappear overnight. Yes we can get support from our meds, but the real recovery comes from within, from our strength and resiliance and our downright determination not to let this awful thing beat us. But it is hard work and often feels like one step forward and two steps back. However, we WILL get better and finally be able to enjoy our lives again, it is just going to take some time :) xxx

13-05-16, 21:10
Yes very true. Fortunately I'm not letting it stop me do anything. It's just everything I do is such hard work,but yes we will get there!! X

15-05-16, 13:18
I'm also approaching the 6 week mark. I was feeling some improvement. Falling/staying asleep is a major issue for me. 2 weeks ago I stopped taking Temazepam for sleep, which was a huge milestone. I now fall asleep with 5mg of melatonin and I seem to get a solid 6-7 hours sleep.

However last two days have been a little rough again. I had to take 2mg's of Diazepam during the night. I hope its just a minor blip. Next thursday I have a 6 week evaluation with my psychiater and I might consider upping to 30mg if things don't improve significantly.

15-05-16, 15:05
Let us know how you get on mrose. I'm not feeling great at all. It's all the physical symptoms. Neck ache, exhausted,tired,stiff joints, tight chest etc. 5 week mark and I really hoped I would be loads better . Still holding out though.. keep strong. X

16-05-16, 08:55
Will do polly. I woke up feeling a little better today. Was awake at 4 AM at night and decided to take only 1mg of Diazepam which brought me back to sleep for another 4 hours. I really want to cut the benzos asap, (which for me is a sign that things are improving)

I don't really have any psysical side effects (never really had). Reason could be the fact that i'm in fairly good shape because I excersize almost every day. Furthermore I don't smoke, or do drugs. I still drink but only when I feel like it and then it's maybe 2/3 drinks max.

My main problem are the intruisive thoughts that are mostly related to existential anxiety, fear of death etc. But i'm starting therapy for that in a few weeks time.

Good luck with the coming week, I'm sure we will feel better shortly.

16-05-16, 20:35
Aww ty Mrose.. I don't have any of the intrusive thoughts just the physical... the need to take a deep breath or yawn all the time..aches and pains from being so tense etc.. head ache, strange vision etc.. so annoying but hopefully going to get easier. Keep stong