View Full Version : Anxiety and contraceptives.

13-05-16, 17:34
A while back a friend sent me an article srating the pill can cause anxiety in young women, I shrugged it off.

However due to personal reasons I'm currently off the pill and have found *hopes not to jinx self* that my anxiety is ALOT better. That poo post was mainly curiousity.

Do you believe there's a link?

13-05-16, 19:34
I never experienced any anxiety as a result of going on contraceptives. I actually thought they helped with cramps and PMS. I used to get very moody before my period and this went away when on the pill. As far as OCD goes, I developed it years before going on the pill. When I was on the pill, I didn't experience any anxiety or OCD for nearly 2 years. Then, it came back. This has been the case with my anxiety disorder since it first showed up though.

13-05-16, 19:48
It could just be a coincidence but looking back it started around same time I went on them.

13-05-16, 19:55
Everyone may have different reactions. They have not been a factor in my anxiety condition. I wish it were as simple as "get off contraceptives and you won't have OCD"...But that's not the case for me. Also, think of all the guys, children and women not on the pill, who have anxiety. I developed anxiety way before I even knew what the pill was. But I do think, it may have anxiety effects in some people since our bodies respond differently to different medications. So this may be the case for you.

13-05-16, 19:57
I hope so. I've been anxiety free for once and you may have seen how bad I've been. It's just something I have noticed and rememebered. I have never had the weight gain and the other symptoms do but have had anxiety.