View Full Version : Feels like I have cobwebs on my face? Anyone else?

13-05-16, 19:36
Hi everyone!

I hope you're as well as can be :)

I have been having a really strange symptom for a while now, and I thought I'd post in here to see if anyone can relate to this.

I keep having these 'episodes' where I feel like I have very thin cobwebs on my face. It is the most bizarre sensation. I can hardly feel it, but I know it's there. The area underneath my bottom lip goes tingly, too.

I've recently come off of Sertraline (50mg), and I take 80mg Propanalol daily.

Has anyone ever experienced this? Do you think I'm panicking unnecessarily?

Thank you!

C xoxoxox

13-05-16, 20:00
Ive not experinced that but do get alot of crawling sensations on my skin, gives me the heebie jeebies lolxx

13-05-16, 20:13

Thank you so much for your reply! Yes that's kind of what this is like...just really soft feet lol!

Do you know if yours is caused by the anxiety itself, or by any meds etc?

C xo

13-05-16, 20:26
Im not on any meds due to reactions i take (which in a way is good but managing the anxiety is difficult) I think mine is anxiety related, occurs more on my shoulder and hips xx

13-05-16, 20:39
I have something that seems like this, the way you described it sounds about right. My lips also tingling, I keep checking to make sure they aren't blue. Weird sensation, pretty sure it's just another tentacle of anxiety.

13-05-16, 21:44
Yes, I have and I don't take meds.

I think it comes from high anxiety and when our senses are over sensitised.