View Full Version : Greetings From The East

13-05-16, 21:45
Hi Everyone.

This is obviously my first post. And I think I will spend lot of time here to deal with my anxiety, specially my nasty health anxiety :ohmy:

Short background from myself. When I was child till my 22nd birthday, I was easily checked myself to hospital. My family treated me special because of my psychological condition that easily anxious and panic since I was young. But after getting married I no longer wielding my parents insurance so I have no other choice to buy my own limited insurance so that I cannot check myself too often rather than when I was single.

I was in high anxiety state since I am a high school student. Usually my health anxiety period, include C or T words. Entering my college, I was too stressful and had a less sleep so my anxiety level also sky rocketing. At 2014, after married for 1 year I had my first panic attack and was diagnosed with GAD also. I took myself to psychiatrist ward and prescribed with Xanax and other anxiety medication. However, on 2015 I decided to stop all medication and do a proper taper off process and now have been 3 months off from all of them.

My most problematic issue off course is Health Anxiety (I mentioned it several times). It become a daily basis to me. Everyday, I will find somethings wrong in me and I can be in a worry state all day long. Recently, it become more resilient and affect my sleep too, I can get a bad dream related to death or struct with horrible disease (me or people nearby me). This is so annoying.

Since I still conduct my graduate education, I have no plan to go back to any pdoc. But I am planning to meet a psychologist next year, for doing CBT or another therapy. Please be ease with my worry in this forum. I hope we can be a good friend.

- Contiki

13-05-16, 21:50
Hiya contikitiki and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

13-05-16, 22:32
Hello from the USA. Thanks for sharing your story. I also get a great fear of death and that feeds my anxiety. It's not so much dying, more about leaving my children behind.

14-05-16, 01:31
Hi Contiki ' Yes you are among friends here. You have come to the right place to get educated and to get understanding about your anxiety. Just remember one thing. You are going to get well.
