View Full Version : i want to know

13-05-16, 21:47
I have suffered with HA for 10years. There is one thing I can never get in my head. CAN HA MAKE YOU FEEL SO ILL AND CAN IT PRODUCE SYMPTOMS????????????????? I'm in the middle of a ha flare up been really good for 11 months which is a record for me. So Can you help me?????????:bighug1:

13-05-16, 22:03
Anxiety causes physical symptoms - think of when you say are going to sit an important exam or interview and you get an upset tummy, this is a direct connection between our brain and our bowels etc.

If you also have health anxiety then any physical symptom causes an increase in anxiety an example of this is the differnece between my husband and myself. I get vertigo attack because I have a bad neck and this straight away gives me a huge adrenalin rush which affects my bowels,makes my heart race and me tremble. HE also gets vertigo from his bad neck but he suffers no such reaction as the vertigo does not scare him at all. He knows what it is and why and although it annoys him he gets over it very quicky whereas I feel scared and dizzy for days or weeks.

Every single physical symptom we get as ha sufferers causes a huge anxiety surge which then causes all sorts of other symptoms and this goes on and on.

I remember my GP years ago saying everyone has some part of their body that their emotions go to, for one person when stressed they get headaches for another they get tummy trouble etc etc. The symptoms are very real they are there and they are genuine its just the cause is not an organic one but a psychological one.