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11-03-07, 20:20
Hi I have had a sore throat now since November that’s over four months now. Went to see doctor after about 6 weeks and he sent me for some blood tests, He said white cells where slightly raised indicating could be infection, so done a course of antibiotics. This did nothing. I asked if it could be throat cancer as I have never really known an adult suffer sore throat for so long and he didn’t seem to think so, but he has referred me to ENT But as they have just built a new hospital here and moving everything things seem upside down and a lot of waiting. My throat can feel very row and at times my voice is horse, but I haven’t felt any signs of a lump in my throat and it doesn’t hurt to eat and drink, If doctor is pretty sure it isn’t throat cancer does anyone know any other conditions that cause long term sore throat, or has anyone out there had long term sore throat? Thanks for reading and take care. Vernon

11-03-07, 21:19
Hi Vern

I used to get sore throats for months on end as well and I also have this damn swallowing problem too that a lot of us get.

The doctor said they "could" remove my tonsils but this was a very last resort as it wasn't an operation they did willy-nilly in adults!

They never offered me any explanations for it either.

Do you cough a lot or clear your throat constantly?

11-03-07, 22:03
Smokers cough a bit but that comes and goes. But last few days even pain killers dont help it gets realy raw. Cheers nic xx

11-03-07, 22:08

The reason I asked about the coughing or more specifically the constant clearing the throat is that the doc said everytime I did this I was effectively scratching the throat which would irritate it as well.

Hope you get yours sorted mate.

12-03-07, 11:05
Okay, this would be a bit outside the scope of what would normally be posted to this forum, but we'll answer.

Pharyngitis can sometimes take several months to fully resolve, particularly if other factors are present that continue to irritate tonsillar tissue and other tissues of the esophagus. Factors would include snoring, sinus drainage, allergies, GERD, chronic cough, etc.

It's important to remember that pain is most typically the last symptom of carcinogenic processes and persistent soreness in the absence of other more salient features would not suggest cancer.

You're going to be fine.

13-02-09, 17:37
Try an internet search on "Chronic Sore Throat / Mood Virus"

08-10-09, 17:34
Hi Vern

I used to get sore throats for months on end as well and I also have this damn swallowing problem too that a lot of us get.

The doctor said they "could" remove my tonsils but this was a very last resort as it wasn't an operation they did willy-nilly in adults!

They never offered me any explanations for it either.

Do you cough a lot or clear your throat constantly?

Hi Vernon,

I too have had a sore throat for 3 months and after xray and blood test (both negative) I have just been to ENT clinic and had a camera up my nose and into my throat. After reading other comments I asked for a spray before the camera was inserted. The doctor said only 1 in 10 ask for that but he did it anyway. The camera was inserted and unlike a lot of the other comments on this site I felt virtually nothing. It only took a couple of minutes. I too was worried about cancer but the doctor said I was all clear and suggested it was a silent reflux. Much relieved I bounced out of the clinic. Hope this helps you and anyone reading this . Ian

28-11-10, 14:54
Hi I have had a sore throat now since November that’s over four months now. Went to see doctor after about 6 weeks and he sent me for some blood tests, He said white cells where slightly raised indicating could be infection, so done a course of antibiotics. This did nothing. I asked if it could be throat cancer as I have never really known an adult suffer sore throat for so long and he didn’t seem to think so, but he has referred me to ENT But as they have just built a new hospital here and moving everything things seem upside down and a lot of waiting. My throat can feel very row and at times my voice is horse, but I haven’t felt any signs of a lump in my throat and it doesn’t hurt to eat and drink, If doctor is pretty sure it isn’t throat cancer does anyone know any other conditions that cause long term sore throat, or has anyone out there had long term sore throat? Thanks for reading and take care. Vernon

Hello Mate,

I have exactly same throat issue since November 2009 more than 13 months, Having throat pain mainly on leff side and remain sore throat since November 2009(15months). I have visited GPs more than 25 times, Visited ENT consultant two times and had camera view in throat( had to wait for 4 months to see any specialist in UK, Problem can worsen be for you see MDs), And was discharged from ENT without any symptoms of cancer or ulcer. In year I had blood test 2 times all came normal, including thyrod and many more were normal, have also gone through barium swallow test for oesophagus test came normal too. And finally recently been to endoscopy because of I had very very sever chest pain( reflex), and some tissue were taken, again came every thing normal and dont have any chest pain since endoscopy. But my throat pain remain all time, I do smoke, but when This sore throat started year ago, I have been completely away from smoking.

It does pain and remain very dry in morning, but also remain bit less sore and pain still persist all day, When I take any alcohol It goes very worse next day. To make a point, I have not lost any weight in this pathetic period of pain of more than one year. Please any one know about it or any one had same problem please let me know. I will appreciate any response.


28-11-10, 19:01
i have had a sore throat since last yr on and off now i feel like something is tight is around my throat like im wearing a shirt and the collar is to tight and i feel it when i swallow like something is stuck . i do cough a lot which i thing sets off my sore throat. last yr around this time.i had a neck x ray with a dye injected all clear iv had a biopsy on my throat and they had a good look around while i was put to sleep all clear . they did say my voice box was all burnt and i have acid reflux. i went for chest x ray last wk because of this cough again all clear i do smoke. im going back this wk as iv still got sore throat and im worried it may be cancer . any thoughts anyone

07-12-10, 10:56
Hello Mate,

I have exactly same throat issue since November 2009 more than 13 months, Having throat pain mainly on leff side and remain sore throat since November 2009(15months). I have visited GPs more than 25 times, Visited ENT consultant two times and had camera view in throat( had to wait for 4 months to see any specialist in UK, Problem can worsen be for you see MDs), And was discharged from ENT without any symptoms of cancer or ulcer. In year I had blood test 2 times all came normal, including thyrod and many more were normal, have also gone through barium swallow test for oesophagus test came normal too. And finally recently been to endoscopy because of I had very very sever chest pain( reflex), and some tissue were taken, again came every thing normal and dont have any chest pain since endoscopy. But my throat pain remain all time, I do smoke, but when This sore throat started year ago, I have been completely away from smoking.

It does pain and remain very dry in morning, but also remain bit less sore and pain still persist all day, When I take any alcohol It goes very worse next day. To make a point, I have not lost any weight in this pathetic period of pain of more than one year. Please any one know about it or any one had same problem please let me know. I will appreciate any response.



I have had similar symptons since June 2009. Mine started however immediately following a severe viral infection and the sore throat has never gone away. I have a raw sensation in my throat, worse on day after alcohol and better seemingly on random other days, but never clear compeltely. I have been for endoscopy and blood tests with all normal.
I have however noticed that when my mucus is runnier, i.e. when i have a cold that the throat is not as painful. to this end i have been using a saline solution through my nostrils with limited success, it can but not always alleviate the symtons. I did try treatment for reflux at the suggestion of an ENT specialist, however this did not help at all.

I recently had a severe chest infection and am finding that my throat is worse since then. Due to go back to ENT in Jan. Not sure what they will suggest next, I suspect the barium meal thing may be on the cards.


28-02-11, 15:56

I too have had a long term 'sore throat' - left sided (with intermitant hoarsness).

Approx. 2.5 years ago I thought that I had swallowed a fish-bone (still convinced that I did/removed purged it with gargling and homeopathioc remedies etc...the medics didnt find any evidence of a bone and didnt believe that homeopathy could remove it:wacko:) and from that time I have had residual issues with the LHS or my throat.......it went/eased for approx 6 months yet now it is back.

I had bloods taken, then 3 x camera procedures/indirect Laryngoscopy (without an aneasthetic - the consultant told me that was for kids!:ohmy::wacko:) and one direct laryngoscopy(?) under general ('with a clean up/scrape'), there have been scans and X-Rays etc..a white patch was discovered and, if I remember correctly biopsyed, all came back 'clear'. Drs. and Consultants told me to go away and forget about it/enjoy your life - easy for them to say.

The only thing that brought relief - last time - was the use of homoeopathy.

This latest bout has been on the go since Christmas 2010 (time of writing Feb/March 2011) and little relief, this time though there have been many, many 'flu viruses - which I have ducked and dodged - which I have had mild symptoms (and ear aches). The symptoms for my throat seem like a catarrhal/lump in throat, followed by really sore/scraped feeling - which as another Poster mentioned could be due to me constantly having to clear my throat.

My partner says that since this all kicked off again that I snore - 'weirdly'.
I have found that a salt-pipe inhaler has helped on this front though coupled with a homeopathic prescribed remedy.

I have been using/gargling with a good quality colloidol silver and I have been clearing my nose with a saline spray.

Doctor has suggested steroids:doh: Yet wont refer me - yet - as the hoarsness is 'intermitant and hasnt lasted for three weeks or more'.....no it's been approx 8 weeks or more:doh: NHS cut backs?? I have never, fortunately, been offered anti-biotics for this condition...may ask for some soon though:shrug: (I had lots of tonsilitus as a kid and had my tonsils and adenoids out - late - and developed allergies to many anti-biotics etc.)

I smoked for a short while in my 'teens and the same - 'socially' - in my tweenties, I also used to go to a lot of smokey clubs/pubs/gigs etc. and in one job I worked in a smokey/chemical laiden environment....so I have concerns that such may have caught up with me...amongst other things!

All very depressing really and it has taken a real effort to stay strong and keep going...during these challenging times:noangel::weep::blush:.....

Evidently in Chinese medicine a sore throat is linked to being p'dd off/depressed, I am depressed 'cause I have a sore throat:roflmao:

Whilst I await for the Doctors' decision I have self medicated homeopathically and now await a remedy from my homeopath....I had one approx two weeks ago which helped/changed the symptoms etc...

The question is - still have a few days left to go with the colloidol silver (which helps ease the symptoms so far) - what do I do now?

28-02-11, 16:04

I have had similar symptons since June 2009. Mine started however immediately following a severe viral infection and the sore throat has never gone away. I have a raw sensation in my throat, worse on day after alcohol and better seemingly on random other days, but never clear compeltely. I have been for endoscopy and blood tests with all normal.
I have however noticed that when my mucus is runnier, i.e. when i have a cold that the throat is not as painful. to this end i have been using a saline solution through my nostrils with limited success, it can but not always alleviate the symtons. I did try treatment for reflux at the suggestion of an ENT specialist, however this did not help at all.

I recently had a severe chest infection and am finding that my throat is worse since then. Due to go back to ENT in Jan. Not sure what they will suggest next, I suspect the barium meal thing may be on the cards.


I have also found that a cold used to start in my throat....now it starts in my nose. In addition I have been sneezing on and off for approx 3 months now....Dr suggests some sort of allergic rhinutus type thing...I agree...yet what and why etc. etc..



18-03-11, 14:15
I've also had throat issues, for 4 months now.

I've suffered from acid reflux for a few years now. In November 2010 my doctor sent me off to the hospital for a gastroscopy. I freaked out at having a pipe down my throat, so I was put under for a few minutes whilst they did the procedure.

A day or two later I developed a sore throat, I put it down to a cold or reaction to the central heating (it was at the time when the hectic cold spell hit in November) and it went away a few days later.

Then I noticed that when I swallowed I felt a click in my throat, particularly when eating.

This discomfort continued in to the New Year, so I went to the doctor. He looked down my throat and told me he could see my saliva glands look swollen. I had a blood test and everything showed up as normal.

When I went away on holiday to South Africa for 3 weeks it eased up almost completely, so I put it down my reaction to central heating.

When I returned in late January, it came back and since then I have a cycle of a sore throat for a few days, when this clears the popping in my throat returns, and so it goes on........

The doctor told me to come off ranitidine (reflux med) for a few days, this I did but did not resolve the issue.

I've been on a course of antibiotics, then penicillin, and finally for the past week I've been taking anti-histamines to try and determine if it's an allergy.

No improvement. My doctor this morning has referred me to an ENT for a camera to go up my nose and in to my throat, this is not until early May though.

I feel that I have swollen glands, but the doctor says that he can't feel any evidence of this. I even thought that I might have had a flare up from glandular fever I had 12 years ago, he said not possible. However, he took a look this morning and says I still have a swollen red throat.

I am worried it is something serious but doctor assured me that my blood test would have picked up something sinister in January and that at my age of 34, it is highly unlikely that someone of my age would have throat cancer.

Doctor also claims that if they had 'hurt' me during my gastroscopy back in November, that my throat would have healed by now.

I need to clear my throat alot and cough alot first thing in the morning and after eating.

I had my tonsils and adenoids out when I was small by the way.

Any thoughts welcome?

05-07-11, 11:10

I stumbled across that other site which claims there is a virus causing long term damage to your body which starts out as a sore throat which lasts for months.

After reading the rest of the symptoms, I have no idea if they are yet to come, or if this virus is not my problem.

I have had a sore throat for approximately two months. Swallowing hurts, although I don't really notice it when I eat. I am also congested, but not in my chest, only my nose. Since I cannot breathe through my nose properly, I wake up every morning with a really sore, dry throat and it sets the precedent for the rest of my day.

Some days it doesn't appear to be too bad. A couple of times I noticed that I could breathe through my nose again and my sore throat had gone. That lasted for two days and then it came back.

I have not sought help from the doctors for this yet, as I know they will tell me that it is my own fault for being a smoker. They are probably right and I will try to give up smoking to see if anything changes.

The other site said this virus was also responsible for anxiety disorders but I am not sure how that would affect me since I have already been taking SSRI citalopram for a couple of years. I also take medication for acid reflux (again, two years) called omeprazole which is wonderful stuff and I have not had an acid attack in all this time. It used to wake me up at night pouring into my throat :(

I already suffer from problems with my ears, and I have had a tube inserted into my nostril. The doctor said I had some adenoidal tissue left, which has usually disappeared by adulthood. All my life I have suffered from a nasal voice. With this sore throat and congestion, I find it very difficult to speak properly and I am quite embarrassed about it.

I was hoping to find some answers here, but I guess I will have to try the quit smoking approach first.

08-11-11, 22:50
I had and irritated throat since a couple of weeks, after I got a cold or tonsilitis. I can't tell properly, because I had fever, my throat was red and I had a lot of mucus and pain, felt tired, etc.

After that I have the throat red and it got more irritated. I feel itchy in the throat, and when I release air through my throat I feel it's very hot.

I don't know how to get rid of this.

My doctor told me not to worry. All tests: blood, urine, thyroids look ok.

09-11-11, 17:25
Hi There, I would try not to worry, I have had a sore throat as well. I think it could be that your run down and stressing out. Drink plenty of good things, lemon & honey, hot ribena. take rescue remedy. suck throat sweets as well. Good luck regards amandah

Darren Davis
29-11-11, 18:24
I have also been suffering from sore throat for around 3 months. It would be great to hear some stories on how people have got rid of the problem.

My throat feels itchy on the inside and I also have frequent nose bleeds. I have tried some natural remedies like the ones found on http://www.the-good-doctor.net/top-3-sore-throat-remedies/ and while they provided some temporary relief the irritation seems to come back after a few days. I don't know how to get rid of it, any help would be appreciated.

- Darren

25-10-12, 00:48
Hello Mate,

I have exactly same throat issue since November 2009 more than 13 months, Having throat pain mainly on leff side and remain sore throat since November 2009(15months). I have visited GPs more than 25 times, Visited ENT consultant two times and had camera view in throat( had to wait for 4 months to see any specialist in UK, Problem can worsen be for you see MDs), And was discharged from ENT without any symptoms of cancer or ulcer. In year I had blood test 2 times all came normal, including thyrod and many more were normal, have also gone through barium swallow test for oesophagus test came normal too. And finally recently been to endoscopy because of I had very very sever chest pain( reflex), and some tissue were taken, again came every thing normal and dont have any chest pain since endoscopy. But my throat pain remain all time, I do smoke, but when This sore throat started year ago, I have been completely away from smoking.

It does pain and remain very dry in morning, but also remain bit less sore and pain still persist all day, When I take any alcohol It goes very worse next day. To make a point, I have not lost any weight in this pathetic period of pain of more than one year. Please any one know about it or any one had same problem please let me know. I will appreciate any response.


I have had the same symptoms as RAK . Sore throat for about 5 months now. started very suddenly whilst walking down the road. then got cold symptoms (runny nose etc..). sore throat never went away. I used to wake in the middle of the night unable to swallow and it's painful. had antiniotics - no diff. gradually i now only wake up with a sore throat. I am currently on Omezol(60 days into a 90 day script) but this doesn't appear to be making any difference either.however, all this time it's ok during the day and i have put on weight, not lost any, probably due to constant snacking to keep throat moist! Also it is much worse after a couple of beers too. i havent smoked for 4.5yrs either.i guess next stop is a visit to ENT, hopefully it's nothing too serious but i could really do with a decent sleep:emot-sleepyhead:

27-02-13, 09:21
My friend home remedies is much better then doctor treatment use some some home remedies tips i hope its very helpful for you and complete your throats and in few days Here some tips
Honey is one best sore-throat remedy add several teaspoons to 1 cup of hot water or herbal tea use this2 times a day .
Garlic, as another aid to fight off infection against sore throats this two tips are very effective use this i hope you get good results

26-03-13, 15:43
I do not know if anybody is reading this post anymore, but I have had sore throat for months, and I started to watch if I am keeping my mouth closed while I breathe. It is helping a lot. I keep my mouth closed, even when I sleep I am trying to mind that and my throat is better already.

04-05-13, 16:51

I'm reading it, because, I have just joined this site after finding a thread through 'googling' my long term sore throat issues! I have had a sore throat that started off by feeling as if there were a 'lump in my throat', making it difficult to swallow. Now it is really quite painful and has been going on for about 6 months now, which actually coincides with me giving up smoking. I also get hoarseness too. I went to the doctor who had a look and said that she didn't feel it was anything "too bad" and has referred me to ENT, I have an appointment in about 6 weeks time.

I too worry an awful lot about cancer because there is a history of it in my family - both grandparents, aunt etc., and I myself have had two Malignant Melanomas, so I ma terrified (literally) that I am prone to cancer.

This site has helped me a little by showing me that I am not alone. I hope that it helps you too!


20-08-13, 02:44

I have the same throat pain my throat was like this for a year week's after a came to Ireland from Africa a year and three monhs ago I went to the doctor about 8 or 7 times he gave me antibiotics but it didn't help. I had a heartburn and indigestion when I was about 13 years old and I triad stocking a year ago but after 3 days I stopped it after.
Only the right side of my throat have pain I am worrdied about it
I need to know why my throat hurt and what is causing it

21-08-13, 01:21
Mine has been going on for nearly a year now, with no sign of easing. Doctor has sent me for Endoscopy and Barium Swallow and again another Endoscopy. They said that there is some acid reflux occurring, but haven't given me any idea of what could be actually causing it? I'm very scared, because whenever I 'Google' my symptoms, they always throw up the causes as 'the big C', so I try not to look too much now. I've even started keeping a 'food diary' in which I write down everything I eat and drink during a day and how I feel at the end of the day - just to see if I can link anything to my symptoms - which now include aches and pains in all sorts of obscure and (seemingly) unrelated areas, like, collar bones, shoulder blades, neck, back and even my mouth and tongue?!!

I just wish someone could put my mind at rest and give me a solution.

21-08-13, 15:36
Hi Vernon, Hazel and everyone else.

I have had a sore throat for 6 weeks and been to the Dr. twice. I am now waiting to see a specialist.

My symptoms were 'something in my throat' and it was appearing to progress to my collar bones and neck...I was terrified. While searching my symptoms on the internet I discovered they were the same as throat cancer.

Now, my wife thought it was all in my head as I have form in this department. I thought previously that chest pains were a heart attack and thought what turned out to be piles was prostate cancer......so she thought this was the same thing. coincidentally I have been under a LOT of stress at work and she thought the 2 were related..

so, after reading a thread in the anxiety column I came across a phrase 'Globus pharyngis' - I think my wife was right. This was this morning I discovered it and I'm already feeling better.

I'm not suggesting you stop the medical path at all. I am suggesting that you read up on it and give it some thought.

I am 40, not losing weight, feel great and was told I was too young for throat cancer. I was right though - there was something there. no one could tell me otherwise. I had almost lost my job and this happened too!

Now though I know it is all tied in. It is psychosomatic.

Please consider it friends.

22-08-13, 11:24
Hi Jim

Yes, one of the doctors at ENT, thought it could be Globus Pharyngeus, but it doesn't just feel like 'something is stuck' any more, it actually is sore and stings when I drink liquids (even plain water). But that's not all, I also have stomach pains that do not always occur in the same area of my stomach and it is very bloated. I have been prescribed Omeprazole and Domperidone but it is still going on. I also have aches across my shoulder blades at the back and lower back too. There are a catalogue of other aches and pains too - aches in nearly every muscle of the body, neck, collar bones, arm holes, underarms, sides of breasts - which, I'm sure people think that it is all in my mind . . . I hope to God it is as I dread to think what else it could be!

big K
20-03-14, 17:15
Hello all,
I too have had the long term sore throat for almost a year now. It is mostly on the left side and only when I swallow. When I sit idle it does not have any pain, it is only when I swallow that it feels scratchy and dry, almost as if there were a dry lump, but there is no lump.
About 6 months ago I went to an ENT doctor and he checked my throat, no lumps, some mild irritation, and then the camera up the nose. He said there were a few polyps which can occur when irregular natural moisturizing of the nasal passages occurs. He put me on 6 weeks of Prilosec and wanted me to come back in to check up. Well after the first two week dose of Prilosec, which is an acid reflux medication, nothing was different. Ever since the beginning some days are good and I don't feel any discomfort when swallowing at all, and some days it is a much stronger sense of irritation. This was no different, I thought it might be working but then a day or two later, it was back. My close buddy who is a trained doctor in both western medicine and eastern philosophies, said that I should be REAL careful with the acid reflux medicines, because they are designed to really stir up your natural acid balance in your stomach and otherwise. Which, if you don't have an acid problem, could create a lot more problems. He shared some alternative therapies like the gargling concoctions, but I have yet to try those with any long term discipline. I have learned to somewhat live with it.
I am 40 years old, and have not lost or gained weight as a result of this. I can eat and drink normally. I do however, contribute most of the issue to the fact that I was a pot smoker for 20 years. This began occurring around the time I quit smoking pot, and I thought I'll give it up entirely now be cause the sore throat is not helping things either. Well, the sore throat when swallowing remains
And I have my theories about what 20 years of smoking can do to the Natural balance of a persons body. It can't be good, just as smoke of any kind being ingested can't be good. I am a little freaked that it could be throat cancer, but after reading this thread and a few other things I found in my "sore throat for a year" online search, I see it is occurring in several people and no real conclusive reason as to why. I have never had problems with acid reflux, so I don't think I should be concerned with that or try Prilosec for such a long time. I do feel there is one last thing I will try in which I will check back with you all and let you know how it works out, and that is a cleanse of the body. I have done one before in the past, and it is not only good to do to feel better in general, but if done properly it can act as a "reset button" for your body. Cleansing your body of all the harmful chemicals and nasty things we ingest in our foods and drinks works, and it might work in this case. I will let you know.
There is also a chance that it is allergies. I moved to Los Angeles back in 2002 and after a few months, I had cold symptoms for a month. Runny nose, sore throat, chest congestion, I thought it was the worst cold I had ever had and it didn't go away. I finally went to the doctor and she told me I had allergies. I was put on an allergen and it cleared me right up. I had never had an allergy in my life before that and in 2004 I moved from Los Angeles and I never had allergies again since then. In my search this time, I found an article that stated that older people my age can develop allergies easier and not know it and begin to have itchy, dry, scratchy throats. I have not looked into this possibility yet as I have just learned about it this morning in my search. I will let you know. I have my doubts though, based on the number of occurrences of people who have gone to the doctor in this thread and been told they can't find the issue.
My last resort before I either go to the doctor and have endless tests run, or just learn to "live with it", will be the full body cleanse. I'll let you know. :)

04-04-14, 20:15
Hi all,

I too found this thread through Googling various 'long term sore throat' searches and have had it bookmarked for some months. I concur with most of the symptoms in the threads and having just read big K's post I thought it time I added my experiences.

Apologies for it being a bit long but I hope it helps someone...

Over Christmas 2012 I had the onset of sore throat. Dry, lumpy feeling and scratchy feeling in my throat and down to my voice box. The type that felt like I'd swallowed a razor blade. I put this down to everyone having colds, coughs etc. but this went on for the next couple of months or so and varied in intensity which I found to be related to alcohol. I drink regularly, sometimes a lot. I don't smoke and keep a reasonably good diet, so this really is my only vice. At 43 I didn't think it was anything as serious as throat cancer, but as we all know, Google will convince you otherwise!

So 5 months later in May I visit the Doc, they look down my throat, check my ears and say it all looks fine. The lump feeling is still there so I ask to be referred to an ENT doctor. The lump sensation feels like it's behind my throat to one side and not in it as such. I can drink and swallow with no pain.

I visit the ENT doctor, looks in, carries out an Endoscopy (not painful, maybe a little eye watering) and can find nothing at all. I mentioned that I'd read this can sometimes be caused by acid reflux, and wonder if it's that, and I'm prescribed a months worth of Lansoprazole and industrial quantities of Gaviscon Advance and sent on my way - come back in a month.

A month later I return and things are no better or worse, the lump and swallowing sensation are still there. I also realise that the 'lump' appears to making my head feel odd kind of behind my jaw, much to the ENT docs confusion. Once again I receive an Endoscopy, nothing found and booked in for an MRI scan. Now I begin to find it difficult to sleep at night. :ohmy:

I go for the MRI scan, with a contrast injection half-way through (I'm told it makes anything suspicious extra clear). In the scanner I can definitely feel the lump and I think that if anything IS there then it should certainly show.

Two worrying weeks later I return and the results are 100% clear. no sign of anything untoward, or lumps or anything anywhere. In the docs own words 'If you stay like this you'll live forever'. The scan pictures were the whole of my head and neck too. I was then told that the sensation must be due to some sort of throat muscle 'spasm' and I'm duly discharged, feeling somewhat bewildered by the results.

Here we are almost a year on from my initial visit and the symptoms are still there. Not so much the soreness, but the lump sensation certainly is. Now I'm beginning to wonder if it's an allergy of some sort, so heading back to the docs again when I find the time.


05-04-14, 14:32
I too, had all the same symptoms as everyone here on this thread . . . for nearly two years! After all the tests everyone else had, the consultant finally diagnosed 'Globus Pharyngeus' . . . basically, it was all in my head!

Anyway, after a very nasty bout of vertigo the doctor asked me a load of questions about what was going on in my life and decided I was suffering with stress, prescribed some medication and my symptoms got a great deal better! I still have my 'off' days, but I certainly feel a hundred times better than I did 2 years ago.

I hope this helps those of you who are worrying about cancer and other 'nasty' things - like I was - and that it gives you a point of reference to check out, 'Globus Pharyngeus'


12-04-14, 20:31
Hi just found this thread on Google and really glad i did.

I have had soar throat and hoarse voice on and off for months now, and after reading this below and others as put my mind to rest a bit,

The reason I asked about the coughing or more specifically the constant clearing the throat is that the doc said everytime I did this I was effectively scratching the throat which would irritate it as well.

Hope you get yours sorted mate. __________________

I have smoked for 40 years and most in my family die from cancer, and only last year my sister died from throat cancer so made me worry more, but i been coughing up rubbish plus clearing my throat all the time.

Few months ago i had a chest xray which all come back clear. i know i should pack them in but its really hard after so long.

13-04-14, 01:05
I've got an ulcer thing at back of throat on wall of oesophagus. Won't heal, ENT can't see it, but it's getting worse. And painful, it wasn't at start

09-05-14, 10:56
Hi everyone
I have same problem. I am getting better.One of my close friend have same problem but recover . She told me to to find Alexnadra technique teacher to teach me how to speak properly and its helping. When we speak we take to much air in throat which cause bacteria in alot. Need to change habbit of speaking to reduce the pain. It help me. Hope its useful. English is fourth lang,just want to tell whats happening to me.. I am poor in typing. But really want to tell what happen to me.

12-05-14, 06:51
Nice thread.

I've been having the sore throat thing for 9 months, also started after a flu, uncomfortable during speaking, when I talk on phone people wonder about the sound of the air as if I'm doing exercise.

I did all tests from ENT, to somtach to Sinus...and the nose-scopy and took all sort of medicines including Chinese medicine and homeotherapy (Arnica Montana, White Willow) but the problem resists... but wait, I got a good news for you..

While reading all comments I noticed some general commonalities which are combined or separated might lead consist the cause for our problem:
A- Breathing difficulties from the nose so many are breathing from mouth, Sinusitis
B- Allergy.
C- life stress.
D- ACID Reflux - history with stomach ulcer or acid reflux, Omeprazole stuff.
E- Office work lifestyle.

Myself I got A, C, D, E ....
I'm male, 39 years, don't smoke, social drinker, athlete body...

I found the following to alleviate the problem but completely treat it:
1- Anti-allergy drugs like Primalan, it alleviates the itchiness and extra mucus.
2- Breathing from nose helps a lot but difference is felt after few days.
3- Not to swallow the thick stuff at the back of the throat.

I'm still working out a solution so let's keep thinking together and please share your life background and lifestyle to find commonalities.

12-05-14, 18:35
Im indian/Chinese. Are u from china? I have try chinese med which dont help. Homopatic dont help. Arnica drops help little. Does Primalan help . Does it stop pain and voice feel normal???If I dont talk, the pain is less. I am going to speech therapy tomorrow. Will keep updtae. Alexandra techique is helping to speak with no pain but is slow.
Hi everyone
Keep putting message up.

16-02-15, 18:58
Hello everyone,
I too have a sore throat that is lasting over a year now. My symptoms are pretty much the same as Rak. I have seen 4 ENT's and they all say the same thing. everything is perfect, nothing to worry about. I had x-rays, cat scans, cameras inserted through my nose, the barium test etc... everything comes back negative. Antibiotics; no effect. Allergy medicine; no effect. Acid reflex medicine; no amelioration. I do not know what to do next.
The doctor assure me it is not cancer. The pain is located on the left side of my throat and sometimes, I have better days where I feel like the symptoms are going away and I am getting better and maybe it will disappear the same way it came: just like that...
But then it comes back, I feel my throat is really dry, and it hurts when I swallow. I am 57 and very healthy(so far). I do not take any medications (except for the ones I try for that problem. I don't gain weight, I don't loose weight. I never had acid reflex problems That I thought, but the doctor (ENT) told me that it could be acid reflex even if I didn't have any previous issues. I am taking prilosec, but that doesn't help, and I thing it is actually worse as I kind of feel some throat aide reflex now. Like feeling little bubbles coming up my throat when I swallow saliva, which I never had before. I think I will stop taking it because I don't see any improvement and as someone else said in the thread, it can mess up you acid balance.
Anyway, the things I will try now are epsom salt gargles, and teas with honey to south my throat. I will also keep a log of everything I eat along with comments of improvement or getting worse.
I will keep posting if I have anything else to share.

26-02-15, 11:59
Hi just found this thread on the net, i have all these problems clearing my throat and then it gets soar i think it's from phlegm on my throat from smoking.

Mine seems to come and go sometimes i don't have to clear my throat for weeks but when i do it must scratch it and make it soar again.

26-02-15, 15:46
i am having the same symptoms for one month (i mean 24 days)!
my age is 22 was a smoker but left smoking due to this..
Dont know what happened with yo all...
But one thing made me happy!
as a pakistani! having no electricity! using my old pentium 4 laptop connected through nokia old phone to intenet using gprs 3kbps lol!
I am from pakistan a country poor in everything even environment so i thought its the fault of doctors/ENT's that they are not that much advance to diagnose!
saw people here from england and europe!
now i may die in peace!
note! i registered to this site for this post only! please keep me updated what happened with you! i will visit soon! in last sorry for bad english!

09-03-15, 09:16
Hello Mate,

I have exactly same throat issue since November 2009 more than 13 months, Having throat pain mainly on leff side and remain sore throat since November 2009(15months). I have visited GPs more than 25 times, Visited ENT consultant two times and had camera view in throat( had to wait for 4 months to see any specialist in UK, Problem can worsen be for you see MDs), And was discharged from ENT without any symptoms of cancer or ulcer. In year I had blood test 2 times all came normal, including thyrod and many more were normal, have also gone through barium swallow test for oesophagus test came normal too. And finally recently been to endoscopy because of I had very very sever chest pain( reflex), and some tissue were taken, again came every thing normal and dont have any chest pain since endoscopy. But my throat pain remain all time, I do smoke, but when This sore throat started year ago, I have been completely away from smoking.

It does pain and remain very dry in morning, but also remain bit less sore and pain still persist all day, When I take any alcohol It goes very worse next day. To make a point, I have not lost any weight in this pathetic period of pain of more than one year. Please any one know about it or any one had same problem please let me know. I will appreciate any response.


Hello Rak,
I'm sorry to read about your ordeal. I'm very familiar with your post as I regularly read them. Rak, I suffer the same problem. I've had sore throat for more than 3 years. I have visited uncountable specialists. I have had 4 microlaryngoscopies over a 3 year period, several blood tests, tonsillectomy, uvulectomy, byopsies and ECT. Nothing has helped so far. Right now, I'm devastated and the only worry I have is how to live with this for the rest of my life. It is very unpleasant and painful. Most importantly, I want to ask if you are now free from this ordeal and destructive problem.
I really look forward to hearing that you are now free and to know what exactly you did to achieve it.
Have a blessed day

---------- Post added at 09:16 ---------- Previous post was at 09:14 ----------

Dear Rak,
By the way, my symptom is only on the bottom end of my left side of my throat. It hurts so badly and the pain radiates to my ear too. I feel the pain only when I swallow saliva and not during eating.

13-04-15, 07:34
I know this is an old thread but, if any of you guys are still members of love to hear how/if you resolved these issues?

14-04-15, 11:28
I know this is an old thread but, if any of you guys are still members of love to hear how/if you resolved these issues?

Mine was diagnosed as globus pharyngeus brought on by stress. they gave me Amitriptyline, I take two a day, about an hour before bed time, and I don't get it nearly as much now!

Hazel x

05-05-15, 15:05
suffered from 3 months, 7 ENTs, speaking rest etc nothing worked..
but i am felling alot more better now due to few precautions
1) i avooided talking useless
2) tried to avoid drinking water after meals
3) use of spicy things in food
4) away of water after taking foods that contains fats
i am sharing this because i was worried about throat cancer! but there was nothing such shit actually the infaction grow worse when we dont take care.
age 23, student, was chain smoker and casual drinker, now left this bad things! i speak 5 languages and english is the wakest so sorry!

15-05-15, 00:10
I had a flu like virus over Christmas with an awful cough then laryngitis and since then, for nearly 5 months a sore throat. So pleased to find this thread.

I have a sore throat, mostly on the left, but it does move around. It can go for a few hours, but always returns and it never goes away for more than a few hours, when it's not sore it feels very dry so I'm drinking all the time. My neck aches and I feel like my glands are swollen, but I have no feelings of lumps or something stuck in my throat or mucous. Talking does make it worse, I feel really run down and tired too. Never smoked, in my 40s, don't drink and other than an underactive thyroid healthy otherwise.

First GP said I was run down and it would go by itself, I've tried everything from the health shop, gargling tea tree, propolis, taking manuka honey, Echinacea throat sprays, vitamins, immune boosters...nothing touches it. I was getting worried it was something serious and saw a different GP this week who said she can't see anything to worry about, but I needed to go to ent and have a camera look around, don't know how long that will take, but I will be glad of the peace of mind.

Reading everyones posts I was so hoping someone had found a magical solution before I got to the end, but see often there's no quick solution. I'm going to try omega 7 I think while I'm waiting for the hospital as it helps mucous membranes, it's my last try on the health supplements.

Thank you again for sharing your stories, not that I'd wish it on anybody, but it's good to know it's more common than you thought and no one's has been the dreaded c x

06-06-15, 22:26
Finally it worked... thanks god i thought its throat cancer...

more then 10 ENTs and finally i was diagnosed with enlarges tonsillitus...
the tonsills ssemed normal in size but a wise ent doubt that ur right tonsilitus is a bit larger so a surgery was carried out... i can feel you guys i was like in hell for 4 months...
many times i thought about comming sucide...
one thing you people may laugh on me because enlarged tonsillitus is easy to diagnosed but that was only diagnosed by 12th ENT others said you are okay just take rest and nothing worked i had my surgery 8 days ago now feeling quite ok...

it was hell hope you guys find a solution please never stop the fight possiblities are endless...
i had no money and resourcess and as a poor guy i found a solution so u people can...

i came here just to tell you that i am 100% okayh now and plaining not to start smoking and drinking again as i reallized the worth of my health...

Sorry for bad english
Love from pakistan

---------- Post added at 21:26 ---------- Previous post was at 21:19 ----------

Finally it worked... thanks god i thought its throat cancer...

more then 10 ENTs and finally i was diagnosed with enlarges tonsillitus...
the tonsills ssemed normal in size but a wise ent doubt that ur right tonsilitus is a bit larger so a surgery was carried out... i can feel you guys i was like in hell for 4 months...
many times i thought about comming sucide...
one thing you people may laugh on me because enlarged tonsillitus is easy to diagnosed but that was only diagnosed by 12th ENT others said you are okay just take rest and nothing worked i had my surgery 8 days ago now feeling quite ok...

it was hell hope you guys find a solution please never stop the fight possiblities are endless...
i had no money and resourcess and as a poor guy i found a solution so u people can...

i came here just to tell you that i am 100% okayh now and plaining not to start smoking and drinking again as i reallized the worth of my health...

Sorry for bad english
Love from pakistan

15-11-15, 16:29
You guys have any update? I'm having the same thing here. No fever, just sore throat, no difficulty swallowing but really rough feelings at nights.

15-11-15, 16:51
You guys have any update? I'm having the same thing here. No fever, just sore throat, no difficulty swallowing but really rough feelings at nights.

No not yet had mine for over 2 years. But my doctor asked me if i wanted to go for a camera down my throat but after watching some vids of it done i have decided not to have it done.

I think mine is from smoking.

15-11-15, 23:35
No not yet had mine for over 2 years. But my doctor asked me if i wanted to go for a camera down my throat but after watching some vids of it done i have decided not to have it done.

I think mine is from smoking.

Thanks for replying, cornishbumkin!
Sorry to know that your condition is still there. I'd go for the exam if I were you, just to have peace of mind.
I'm not a smoker but a few days before the sore throat, I did some brick drilling around the house and part of it I forgot to put on a mask and I think I inhaled a bit of that fine dirt. Not sure if it's just a coincidence.
I don't have any fever or coughing.
I have problem convincing my GP that the condition is more serious than normal sore throat. She kept telling me drink lots of fluid and VitaminC to build up my immune system to clear off the virus :D

16-11-15, 01:06
I went to the hospital a few weeks ago, they were very thorough, I had an examination, he felt all inside my mouth :ohmy:, camera and ultrasound and was diagnosed with chronic tonsillitis, as someone else mentioned I also have very small tonsils so think that's why it wasn't diagnosed earlier. The consultant really put my mind at ease it wasn't anything serious. I was given a course of strong antibiotics in case it worked, but it didn't touch it.

Mine started in Dec and has improved since the end of summer, it's still there, but I mostly forget about it now, just looked now and it's still all inflamed, think I've just got used to it. I was told I could think about having my tonsils out, that and antacids are all they can offer. I know that's not an easy op in adults so not considering it right now.

Cornishbumpkin, the camera wasn't too bad, don't be put off, I was totally surprised they did it straight away, thought that'd be another visit so didn't have chance to worry about it, really it's a huge relief to know it's clear and worth having if offered.

Jeff_oz I don't know how long you've had it, my Dr initially after 3 weeks suffering just said it'll go eventually so I saw someone else after having it a few months who referred me straight away. I think it's going to depend how long you've had it. I wouldn't wait months like that again though. Best of luck x

16-11-15, 01:55
Thanks for replying, cornishbumkin!
Sorry to know that your condition is still there. I'd go for the exam if I were you, just to have peace of mind.
I'm not a smoker but a few days before the sore throat, I did some brick drilling around the house and part of it I forgot to put on a mask and I think I inhaled a bit of that fine dirt. Not sure if it's just a coincidence.
I don't have any fever or coughing.
I have problem convincing my GP that the condition is more serious than normal sore throat. She kept telling me drink lots of fluid and VitaminC to build up my immune system to clear off the virus :D

I know i should but i don't even go to the dentist because i really hate anyone messing around in my mouth, i know it sounds stupid but i can't help it.

---------- Post added at 01:55 ---------- Previous post was at 01:51 ----------

Cornishbumpkin, the camera wasn't too bad, don't be put off, I was totally surprised they did it straight away, thought that'd be another visit so didn't have chance to worry about it, really it's a huge relief to know it's clear and worth having if offered.

I have had this for over 2 years now, and i also have huge tonsils and suffered with them for years so perhaps it's that.

They have sent me to reminders to go but i just can't do it i know it sounds stupid but it's just how i am.

PS all my family die of cancer and my sister died at 61 from throat and lung cancer :(

16-11-15, 02:17
Thanks for replying guys! Really appreciate it.
I've got mine for 5 weeks ... it really bothers me as I never had long term sore throat like this before. I'll clean my carpet next.
Funny thing is, it not really the throat. I can swallow food, it's something near the end of the nose where nose meets throat.

16-11-15, 11:04
Thanks for replying guys! Really appreciate it.
I've got mine for 5 weeks ... it really bothers me as I never had long term sore throat like this before. I'll clean my carpet next.
Funny thing is, it not really the throat. I can swallow food, it's something near the end of the nose where nose meets throat.

What have you got in 5 weeks a camera ? if it please let us know what it was like.

16-11-15, 23:37
I did some work on the weekends arnd ... then the week after I started to have a mild fever together with the sore throat. The fever was gone after 1 night. But the sore throat stuck there.
It's rough raw tingly feeling at the end of the nose, they call it soft palate I think. I can swallow fluid and food without any pain. But when I breath, I feel it. I feel like there's a cut there.

After 1 week, arnd I went to GP, he gave me 20 pills of Amox, 3pills a day. No improvement after all pills.

Then, I went to a different GP ... she looked at my throat a gain and said "just take some rest and build up your immune system" ...

After 1 week, I came to her again ... she said the same thing, it's viral infection, it'd take some time to go away. but "unfortunately there's no medication" ... she told me to give it another 2 weeks and to take 1000mg VitaminC.

It seems to get worse at night when I drink some alcohol in the afternoon or evening.

21-11-15, 13:38
Hi. I was also having an on and off sore throat for a year and seen 4 different ENT. Only one doctor suspect that the symptoms is from acid reflux and been with reflux treatment four times still didnt help. I was so desperate to try anything since anxiety and depression started to build up. I lose weight not because i cant eat but because of anxiety. I started not to sleep at night because of fear.

In desperate of search because doctor couldnt gave me clear answer I end up gargling baking soda. It helps lessen the sore. Then in research drinking baking soda helps aids acid reflux. First i tried drinking a pinch of baking soda to taste only. Then i started 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda dissolve in 1/2 glass of water followed by 1more glass after few minutes for 14 days. Suddenly the sore throat was gone. I havent had it weeks now. I dont drink cold water and my diet includes of turmeric ginger garlic and honey in tea everynight.

---------- Post added at 21:38 ---------- Previous post was at 21:28 ----------

I know i should but i don't even go to the dentist because i really hate anyone messing around in my mouth, i know it sounds stupid but i can't help it.

---------- Post added at 01:55 ---------- Previous post was at 01:51 ----------

I have had this for over 2 years now, and i also have huge tonsils and suffered with them for years so perhaps it's that.

They have sent me to reminders to go but i just can't do it i know it sounds stupid but it's just how i am.

PS all my family die of cancer and my sister died at 61 from throat and lung cancer :(

I understand how you feel. I was once there too. I was crying some nights alone and chill like im dying the next day. The only thing i see that helps my sore throat is the baking soda mix in water. I gargle and drink some and wash with water for my tooth enamel. I also add in my diet the turmeric ginger garlic honey tea. You can google the benefits. Hope it can also help you. But be warned also about over using baking soda. I only use small amount for 2weeks

26-11-15, 13:37
thanks for all the replies!

30-11-15, 11:36
i came here just to tell you that i am 100% okayh now and plaining not to start smoking and drinking again as i reallized the worth of my health...

Sorry for bad english
Love from pakistan

Can you drink in Pakistan? I had no idea. :D

09-12-16, 08:29
Hi All
Kind of clinging in hope to this thread as it seems to be the only one where nobody (I'm
Hoping) has throat cancer. 5 weeks ago I took a long haul flight to the US and 4 days later felt pain when swallowing. I thought I would get ill but no cold or fever ever followed. The pain was on one side of my throat and I noticed the gland that side under my jaw was swollen.
I did a 10 day course of amoxicillin and by the 10th day I seemed to be pain free so I cancelled my doc appointment. 3 days later the pain in my left side of my throat was back and the gland still swollen although not tender or hard. I got another appointment and now have a refferal to a ENT specialist next week. I'm terrified as every time I look on the net it comes back with throat cancer and my symptoms don't match mono or strep throat.
Was everyone on this thread ok? Does anyone else have similar symptoms, what did it turn out to be?

10-12-16, 02:07
I've had a sore throat for two years now gjb, I was checked and no cancer. I think it's everyone's main fear, but there's other reasons for sore throats and sometimes they just don't know.

I didn't expect it, but the ent gave me a good check up there and then and I later went for an ultrasound as a just in case on a permanently enlarged gland, but he didn't expect it to be anything worrying. Hope you get some peace of mind from your visit and you're being seen nice and quick so that's good too. My GP fobbed me off for ages and I eventually had to see a different one who took it seriously to get a referral. Good luck x

10-12-16, 12:28
Thanks so much 9bars. People don't seem to write their outcomes & I've found far to many stories of throat cancer and none of 'it was actually nothing'
I'm only 34 and never smoked so clinging to that.
I've barely slept I've been so worried. Can wait for Tuesday to just get this ENT appointment over with. The fact my GP gave me one so readily made me even more concerned.

12-12-16, 19:21
Hi All
I got my appointment brought forward as I was so worried.
Here's what I thought I had:
Oropharyngeal cancer: on the rise significantly in my age group due to hpv virus. Symptoms: pain when swallowing, localised sore throat, swollen glands in neck that are not tender close to site of sore throat. I had all of these.
Here's what the ear nose throat cancer specialist who I saw on my private medical insurance said I had:
A left swollen lingual tonsil. This is an area of cells down the back of your throat (who knew the tonsils went down there). From the camera he saw it looked a bit swollen from the viral infection. The infection is causing my lymph nodes closest to it to swell in response. He said he would give me an MRI anyway as I have private insurance for peace of mind. Then I will follow up on the nhs with an ENT (he specialised in cancer only).
Beyond relieved I cannot tell you. Can't believe something as simple as this isn't online anywhere! Obviously if your sore throat or swollen gland lasts longer than 3 weeks go to your doc to be on the safe side!

24-01-17, 22:10
Had a sore throat for 10 years. Left sided and causes PND as a side effect which makes it worse.
Two consultants have confirmed GERD or "Silent Reflux". Of course, I couldn't feel it happening as it was silent but the acid has caused my throat to become irritated. Now I have to follow a set diet and control the triggers that make my acid rise into my throat. No chocolate/alcohol/spicey foods/fatty foods/coffee. Not leaving much!
Additional medicine from a PPI to knock this on the head once and for all. Hoping it will finally resolve the issue.
Also need to raise the bed up or use a special foam wedge. DO NOT use two pillows as it makes matters worse.

17-04-17, 20:49

can anyone help?
I have a sore throat for over 5 months now. Only two symptoms: 1. when I drink or eat anything cold I get chills and sometimes a temperature and sometimes pain in a certain part of throat (usually left) . and 2. when I eat certain foods such as banana, mango, vanilla, chocolate and many other foods I get that feeling again. After many antibiotics and seeing several doctors, blood test, Thyroid test and CT scan and still no cure... what should I do?
Thank you very much.

18-04-17, 11:32
[QUOTE=Pilipina;1493976]Hi. I was also having an on and off sore throat for a year and seen 4 different ENT. Only one doctor suspect that the symptoms is from acid reflux and been with reflux treatment four times still didnt help. I was so desperate to try anything since anxiety and depression started to build up. I lose weight not because i cant eat but because of anxiety. I started not to sleep at night because of fear.

In desperate of search because doctor couldnt gave me clear answer I end up gargling baking soda. It helps lessen the sore. Then in research drinking baking soda helps aids acid reflux. First i tried drinking a pinch of baking soda to taste only. Then i started 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda dissolve in 1/2 glass of water followed by 1more glass after few minutes for 14 days. Suddenly the sore throat was gone. I havent had it weeks now. I dont drink cold water and my diet includes of turmeric ginger garlic and honey in tea everynight.

---------- Post added at 21:38 ---------- Previous post was at 21:28 ----------

thanks Pilipina, it really worked, in day time i do not feel for the past 2 days after trying your post. :)

15-05-17, 11:00
any further update on the subject ? I am also having similar problem (for last two months) and trying to figureout what's to be done. Does anyone know about root causes

16-05-17, 08:19
My root cause is Acid reflux / trapped gas.

18-06-17, 02:45
Have you tried regular gargling with salt water?

25-02-18, 04:03
Hi All
I got my appointment brought forward as I was so worried.
Here's what I thought I had:
Oropharyngeal cancer: on the rise significantly in my age group due to hpv virus. Symptoms: pain when swallowing, localised sore throat, swollen glands in neck that are not tender close to site of sore throat. I had all of these.
Here's what the ear nose throat cancer specialist who I saw on my private medical insurance said I had:
A left swollen lingual tonsil. This is an area of cells down the back of your throat (who knew the tonsils went down there). From the camera he saw it looked a bit swollen from the viral infection. The infection is causing my lymph nodes closest to it to swell in response. He said he would give me an MRI anyway as I have private insurance for peace of mind. Then I will follow up on the nhs with an ENT (he specialised in cancer only).
Beyond relieved I cannot tell you. Can't believe something as simple as this isn't online anywhere! Obviously if your sore throat or swollen gland lasts longer than 3 weeks go to your doc to be on the safe side!

Thanks for this

20-09-18, 14:07
Hi Guys, I am sorry but this is going to be a long message....

I started feeling irritation in my throat about 1.5 month ago along with muscle cramps in my neck near the collar bone and neck base and at times in my throat , showed it to my GP and he asked me take antibiotics, took the antibiotics for sometime, no relief. Another doctor gave me GERD medicines, no relief. I tried home remedies like salt water gargle, sipping warm honey water, black or green tea, pivodine gargles, etc, no relief.

Finally my ENT did a upper endoscopy, numbbed my throat and looked in with a camera. He told me my throat was clear and suggested me to visit a psychiatrist. I narrated the whole story to my psychiatrist. She immediately put me on Olanzapine (2.5 MG) daily and asked me to conduct Vit D, TSH & Calcium tests. All came normal except Vit D, which showed moderate deficiency. On the next visit to my psychiatrist, she prescribed me oral Vit D supplement (1 tab / week of 50000 IU) and added Tegretol (Carbamazepine) to my daily dose of Olanzapine.

I can safely say that I have experienced quite a bit of reduction in my symptoms, lesser irritation in my throat and the neck cramps are almost gone. She has asked me to take these medicines for 1 month and visit her again. I think, the next time she will ask me to tapper down the medications as it cannot be stopped abruptly (which might have some side effects).

To conclude, the problem is majorly in the mind rather than actual symptoms presented. I suggest to all those who are suffering from a long term throat irritation to visit a psychiatrist and tell them your detailed story. I, like others, also feared of fatal problems like cancer or other terminal illnesses but fortunately its not the case.

Visit a psychiatrist and he/she might be able to help you out. Do let me know your comments. Waiting to hear from you all.