View Full Version : Recovery

13-05-16, 23:43
Hi all
What does recovery from anxiety look like?
I have a few hours in the evening where I feel better, does it take a long time to recover?
How do you cope with set backs?

14-05-16, 01:03
Hi Mugs - I think recovery from anxiety looks like...Getting appropriately anxious over things we should and not getting anxious about things we shouldn't. Stressful situations and periods are going to happen. That's part of life. When we react in a manner that isn't over the top that's recovery.

This is a very heady subject and we could talk about it forever probably.

I'm really glad you're getting those few hours in the evening. That's a very good sign.


14-05-16, 01:29
Thanks so much.
I just feel like it will never end.

14-05-16, 03:17
You will get through this my Canadian friend. Do what you can do. Try and take care of yourself...diet exercise rest are important. Hang in there. It will pass.

14-05-16, 04:30
Thanks again.
I really don't feel well enough to exercise. I will try and get out golfing when it warms up.
My appetite is poor but I do eat, no junk food. I'm workin on the sleep thing.
Thanks for your encouragement.
My husband and I have a 5th wheel and would like to come down to the States next winter for a couple of months.
I just have to be better by then! Eh?

14-05-16, 12:53
I have found that diet and sleep are closely connected. You probably know that. How far south would you go with your 5th wheel? Florida through the winter? Sounds like a plan!

16-05-16, 23:07
We would probably go to Arizona. Florida is just to far to drive.
Good day yesterday, today anxious again.��
So sick if it!
Hope you are well and thank-you.