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14-05-16, 13:49
i have SEVERE health anxiety
recently been under crisis team they changed my medication to mirtazapine
was doing really well up until this week i started getting a new symptoms
its hard to explain but it kinda like my heart stopping i go to lose coinciousness but it stops i had a paramedic out yesterday my pulse was 140 i took propananol which slowed heart down and feeling stopped timed they did ecg and ecg was normal
i also had chest infection and some pain in left leg
this morning i was uncontrollable with worry
i went to a and e they did d dimer and troponin and 2 more ecgs again all was normal at first i was like omg what if it is a clot
then i started freaking because i again wasnt getting symptoms of heart when ecg was done
they jst said im tachacardic but they think it is anxiety
iv come home worse it feels like nobody taking it seriously and im going to go into cardiac arrest at any moment
in the past iv had 24 hr ecg stress test and countless ecgs alll normal...my worry is im on diff meds
i dont know if i sound like im insane but it feels really real to me and im terified

Gary A
14-05-16, 14:08
You have no signs of heart disease, all tests are normal including troponin screening. Troponin is an enzyme released from damaged heart muscle, the fact yours was normal proves categorically that you have no damage to your heart whatsoever.

The fact you're tachycardic but have no signs of disease or damage proves that it is anxiety related. Anxiety increases the heart rate due to higher than normal adrenaline levels. With no signs of heart disease its almost impossible for you to just all of a sudden slip into cardiac arrest.

14-05-16, 14:21
thank you for your response im kinda more worried about the electrical arrythmias even though prior to change of meds id accepted i didnt have any underlying conditions
my head is going between my heart and worry they missed a clot its ridiculously but im genuinly scared!

14-05-16, 14:42
I'm sorry you're having a rough time. Your screen name is definitely appropriate based on what you're dealing with. I agree with Gary in that medical tests have proven your fears to be just that... "fears". They exist in your mind and are very real to you, causing you additional stress and anxiety, but they don't exist in real life based on those tests. Those tests are definitive. They don't miss heart issues. I know this personally and have responded to your other posts on the same subject.

There are several key parts of your post that indicate indeed this is anxiety... "i have SEVERE health anxiety... recently been under crisis team" and "this morning i was uncontrollable with worry" as well as the fact you're posting on an HA forum. Have you given up the smoking yet? How's the exercise going?

I don't know what words would be more reassuring than medical professionals and scientific medical tests. Can you call your crisis team? Maybe get a chill pill for some immediate relief? I hope you feel better soon.

Positive thoughts

14-05-16, 17:09
hiya fish

weight loss so far 13 pounds
smoking im on a vape e cigerrette

i think my main concern is that they put me on this new med mirtazapine
and i googled it to the hills before i took it . i read it can cause long qt they ruled that out on the ecgs but then again like an idiot i thought itd be clever just to double check i got right heart condition and just seen it can cause ventricular arrythmia! which doesnt always show on ecg if not stustained!
so now im ...planning my funeral in my head

15-05-16, 08:15
i think my main concern is that they put me on this new med mirtazapine and i googled it to the hills before i took it . i read it can cause long qt they ruled that out on the ecgs but then again like an idiot i thought itd be clever just to double check i got right heart condition and just seen it can cause ventricular arrythmia! which doesnt always show on ecg if not stustained!
so now im ...planning my funeral in my head

There is absolutely no mention of any long QT issues on a major professional drugs database taken from professional sources validated by doctors & pharmacists. Regardless of the ECG's, there is no known issue so where have you been reading this? I'm concerned this has been on a dodgy website where they scaremonger because any recorded link to long QT would have to be recorded.

Ventricular arrhythmia had the following:

Other Adverse Events Observed During Postmarketing Evaluation of Mirtazapine

Adverse events reported since market introduction, which were temporally (but not necessarily causally) related to mirtazapine therapy, include 4 cases of the ventricular arrhythmia torsade de pointes. In 3 of the 4 cases, however, concomitant drugs were implicated. All patients recovered.

This drug is used in huge proportions. Can you image how small a % accounts for 4 cases? AND they were all on meds known to interact bar 1.

15-05-16, 17:59
hi thank u for your reply
i spoke to the hospital they confirmed that the drug does carry a risk of causing prolonged qt mine is actually closer to the shorter end strangely
i think the thing that set me off on this v tach thing was one study about one person that died i dont know if im taking it wrong though
my tiny bit of logical mind that is left is thinking it can rarely cause long qt which can progress to torsde de pointes which can cause v tach
where as my anxious mind is thinking it can just send u straight into v tach i have never been as manic as i have been past few days had to present to a and e today as i was so bad saw physch team who have told me to stop the mirtazapine until i can be re assessed as they have concerns that iv turned manic on the med literally nothing calming me at the moment i dont believe anyone i have overwhelming feeling im going to die its unbearable i was starting to improve :(

16-05-16, 05:49
I think it's good they stopped the med, it's causing so much anxiety for you.
Just knowing your going off should help.

16-05-16, 05:57
But the thing is, there is no recorded death against this drug so I question where that is coming from. They would have to list that and Drugs.com takes it's data from a large set of medical databases so how can none of them know about it?

The same with the QT issue. That would have to be recorded. The FDA are one of the leads into Drugs.com so that means the whole of the US don't know about it?!!! That's why I question where it's coming from.

I've seen two threads on here recently where their psychiatrists were saying their meds couldn't result in a symptom they were experiencing as it was not possible for that med yet it was recorded by the manufacturer in the leaflet in the box!

16-05-16, 07:38
il see if i can find the thing i read and private msg you it
today iv woken up and im still in massive state of panic im so convinced im going to die i dont know what of but it like a suffocating feeling im scared of any symptom i get
im scared anxiety itself will kill me because im putting so much stress on myself
my mind jumping one minute im terrified i have a clot but d dimer was negative next it my heart but iv had so many tests in the past
i hate how tired i feel and iv only been awake 3 hours
im doing hypnosis and thought diaries trying to rationalise but i can feel im trying to fight it so much

16-05-16, 08:21
Thanks for giving me the link. I can see why you were worried with it being a PubMed publication. Here is the detail for others so they can understand it and hopefully help you:

A case of Ventricular Tachycardia and Cardiac Arrest Associated with Sertraline and Mirtazapine Combination.


A 67-year-old male suffering from depressive symptomatology was admitted to the inpatient clinic at Firat University School of Medicine; and his psychiatric evaluation revealed major depressive episode according to DSM-IV. He developed chest discomfort, chest pain and shortness of breath of acute onset accompanying pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VT) leading to cardiac arrest following sertraline and mirtazapine combination treatment. He died after two days in the Intensive Care Unit. The present case suggests that psychiatrists should be aware of unexpected cardiac events, especially when they use combination treatments.

The first thing to note is there is a therapeutic duplication, as it is called, where more than one antidepressant is used together. This opens up risks of Serotonin Syndrome. This is relevant since one of the symptoms of SS is tachycardia.

Something else to consider is Sertraline.

Other Events ObservedDuring the Post marketing Evaluation of Sertraline Hydrochloride

atrial arrhythmias, QT-interval prolongation, ventricular tachycardia (including Torsade de Pointes arrhythmias),

There is also this in the overdose section for Sertraline but I won't post the rest because of others on here:

Other important adverse events reported with Sertraline hydrochloride overdose (single or multiple drugs) include bradycardia, bundle branch block, coma, convulsions, delirium, hallucinations, hypertension, hypotension, manic reaction, pancreatitis, QT-interval prolongation, serotonin syndrome, stupor, syncope and Torsade de Pointes.

I've posted that because you will notice it says "single or multiple drugs". There are recorded numbers of deaths with Sertraline.

There are NO recorded deaths on the Mirtazapine page.

So, in the case of the person who died we have some factors to consider:

1) He was 67. Members more clued up on heart condition risks per age bracket will be able to say more there but he is obviously in a higher risk category than many.
2) It was a combination of Sert & Mirt.
3) There are NO recorded death rates with Mirt but there are with Sert.
4) The study outcome was to be careful with therapeutic duplication.
5) Sert DOES have connections to QT syndrome.

I would think the death was attributed to the Sert side.

16-05-16, 08:38
thank you for doing that for me it did help
i just want to stop freaking out im now getting pain in arm jaw and chest iv had this before but im petrified im having heart attack
even though im 25 f i dont no how much more of this i can take