View Full Version : Hi everyone!

11-03-07, 20:46
Hi all!

I am new to this site so just wanted to introduce myself to you all! I found this site whilst loking for help browsing the internet as I am sure you have all done!
If I am being hones I have suffered from anxiety for years but it peaked about 6months ago with a full blown panic attack which I had never experienced before. Depending on my daily activities they can be a daily occurence now and my agropobia is geting worse.
Doctors are useless, just want to pump you full of drugs which I wont accept, did try a few but the side effects made my anxiety worse!

Its nice to see that I am not the only one ,as we all feel sometimes.

I am looking forward to chatting to you all.

Charlotte (Charlie!) x:)

11-03-07, 20:55
Hi Charlie,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

11-03-07, 21:25
Hi Charlie

:welcome: to the forum.

Medication can be helpful for some people but it is not the long term answer on its own. I wondered whether you have asked your doctor for a referral for some therapy? CBT is particularly helpful for anxiety.

Have a read of the information on this site. You'll find a lot of support here.


12-03-07, 02:02
Hi Charlotte
welcome....there are loads of people to help and give good advice on this site.

Sometimes medication can take a few weeks to start working properly but is'nt the long term answer, but does give you a break. You could try some kind of theraphy like CBT

Just being a member of this site and visiting it about three times a week over the last three months has made a big difference to the way i feel

Hope you are feeling a lot better soon

Be safe


12-03-07, 09:13
Hi Charlie

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help and give you some support and advice.

12-03-07, 09:53
Hi Charlie, welcome to the forum. You'll find lots of information and make new friends here.

12-03-07, 10:45
Thank you all for your lovely mesages
I have tried many different medications and given them a chance to kick in but they don't seem to help.
I have been on the waiting list for therapy for 5 months now, good old NHS eh?!
I feel better already knowing I am not alone!

13-03-07, 13:16
Hi Charlie and welcome!

Like yourself i've tried possible each and every pill going, sadly none have done me any favours. I too have been waiting for therapy. I asked back in August and my appointment is in April. It will be 9 months of waiting in total and thats just for an assessment.
You're definitely not alone :)

13-03-07, 13:27
hello Charlie:hugs: a big warm welcome to the forum,so glad you found us!I dont take meds either[the odd valium sometimes]was never offered them or anything for that matter off my clown[oops,i mean dr!:blush: ]You will get so much support on here tho hun,it saves my life most days,So keep posting and reading too,lovely to meet you:) .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

13-03-07, 19:33
Hi There Charlie,

A BIG welcome to the site.

Take care

shirley xx

Freaky Chick
13-03-07, 23:28
Hi charlie

Welcome and hugs. Glad you found us. You will get loads of help here. I too am suffering from anxiety and agorophobia. My doc has been great, and i was lucky with the first set of tablets, sorry you had a different experience. Have you tried counselling? That was the first thing my Doc suggested, but i was already having it!

I understand it's hard, especially when the panic attacks are so frequent, and my agorophobia got worse before it got better. I found exercise also helped a lot - the cardiovascular - like cycling and treadmill - anything to build up a sweat, but at the same time focusing on my breathing and keeping it steady! Maybe that could help.

Hope you feel better soon

Freaky Chick:hugs:

14-03-07, 11:54
Hi Charlie,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

Pink Princess
14-03-07, 16:27
hey charlie welcome to the site, hope you find the right support x x x x take kare x x

15-03-07, 08:13
Elo Charlie,
Welcome to the site..great support n advice here.glad to have ye on board x

16-03-07, 21:30

16-03-07, 21:48
Thankyou all for making me feel so welcome, I reallly appreciate it at the moment.
Was getting much better but have taken a massive 'nose dive' in the past couple of weeks, even driving to work is causing me major problems. Apart from the agrophobia, travelling is a major problem of mine. Guess we all have to live with the peaks and troughs.
Thanks again
Charlotte x

17-03-07, 12:25
hi i was never offer meds , i got myself a support worker who is great , have had her now for over 6 months , finally getting councelling and for once life is looking positive , this site has been a great help to me , and it will offer you so much support .

17-03-07, 12:54
Hello and welcome charlie, I'm still quite new to this site too but it has helped me loads especially the chat room where everyone has been full of advice and very friendly. Hope to talk to you soon. Take care and think positive. Love and hugs Lindy xx