View Full Version : Control and shaken world view

14-05-16, 18:55
Hello everyone,
I just thought I'd share some of the thoughts I've had for a while now. Whilst thinking about what it is about panic attacks and anxiety that unnerves me the most, I came to the conclusion that it is the realisation that the only person you should and are, in theory, supposed to have control over is entirely out of your control. Your body haphazardly betrays you by behaving in unexpected ways due to the anxious thoughts created by your mind which, again, appears to be out of your control.

Once faced with the idea that regulation your own emotions and reasoning with your erratic thoughts is a struggle, if not an impossibility, it feels like nothing in the world makes sense, and your world view is shaken. If you can't trust yourself and have control over yourself, then what is there a person can do? Personally, I find this an interesting and a disturbing concept that renders one helpless, stripped of all power and disillusioned, questioning reality.

I'm not sure if this makes sense to anyone, but it's something I wonder and think about plenty, especially since discovering I relied on medication and other people to keep my anxiety levels in check, when in actual fact, that power lies with me. Or does it? :unsure:

14-05-16, 19:12
I think this is a really fascinating idea, Ana. I struggle to build confidence in many situations, and as you so eloquently have put it, I fear my own mind and body betraying me and panicking. It's certainly something I'll keep in my mind for the future- I can't control other people however I must have the power to control myself and thus beat unnecessary panic.
Thank you for this thread, you're obviously a very bright person, and i hope your battle against anxiety is going well!

15-05-16, 10:11
Thank you, Mark. I've been feeling much better recently as certain things in my life have greatly improved. I hope your battle against anxiety is going just as well as mine is. :)