View Full Version : hyperparathyroidism

14-05-16, 21:14
Hi all.
I have just been diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism. I have had blood tests etc. Next step is to see a specialist on the 8th June for a scan. Has anyone else got/had this. Is the scan with a tube down your throat and I am convincing myself I have parathyroid cancer that has spread and is untreatable.
Thank you from an extremely catastrophing woman who is preparing for worst case scenario

14-05-16, 22:04
I had hyperparathyroidism and had surgery last November.
This scan is just done from the outside, they will give you some dye intravenously just prior to the scan. No discomfort at all.
These glands are just overgrown and not cancerous.
All the best to you.

---------- Post added at 21:04 ---------- Previous post was at 21:03 ----------

Go to parathyroid.com and read it all. You will know more than your doctors.

14-05-16, 22:41
I was happy with the hyperparathyroidism diagnosis but then checked parathyroid cancer on the parathyroid.com website. Thats what freaked me. Ie it can spread etc if xancerous and they sometimes affect tge putside of the glands. Thabks for the replies x

14-05-16, 22:52
Dr. Norman, who wrote parathyroid.com, did my surgery in Florida and he said cancer is so rare they don't even think about it.
Are you sure you are looking at the right website?
Please try and relax a bit, I know it's hard, I'm having a very bad day myself.
I was put on so many meds before they found my tumor, now I'm struggling to come off but it's not going very well I'm afraid.

14-05-16, 23:25
Aww i hope you feel better soon. Is the operation simple?. Maybe im just looking to deep into it. By the sounds of it, we suffer after the op then?. On the plus side, i guess i may lose weight after. Emma x

15-05-16, 00:37
My surgery was very simple, mini surgery as seen on the website.
It took 17 min.
My tumor looked to be about 10 years old and was the size of a kidney bean, supposed the size of a grain of rice.
All my other glands were normal.
Dr. Norman said I should start weaning off antidepressants 2 months after surgery.
I did this but my anxiety is still a problem.
I was hoping to feel much better by now, most people do.
Take care.

---------- Post added at 23:37 ---------- Previous post was at 23:31 ----------

I had to fly to the United States to find a good surgeon who was experienced.
I hope you can find some one close to home.

15-05-16, 09:42
Thank you mugs. Was you awake for surgery. Id prefer that