View Full Version : Carrying bags

11-03-07, 22:02
This might be a strange symptom, but maybe others have something similar. For the past few weeks every time I go to the supermarket and take a basket and then later carry everything home I start to feel very tired, feel a bit lightheaded and unable to cope with carrying anything, and want to lie down. It seems to stem from having to carry a bag (it even happens if there's not much in it). A couple of times this has ended up with me having a panic attack. But in the past week this has progressed into me not being able to carry other bags (back pack, handbag) very well - I get a feeling of extreme tiredness and that my legs are straining. When I put down the bag I feel perfectly OK within 5 minutes. I suppose the question is: is this due to anxiety? I asked my GP who said that it was, but with it getting worse I'm starting to wonder.

12-03-07, 05:51
I didn't think anybody but me felt this way. :winks:
I used to get that every time I picked up a basket and carried my groceries home. What I found out was, that I was carrying the basket in a way that strained my arms, made my chest hurt and thus caused me to focus on that an go into a panic.
Once you develop a pattern like that, you only need the slightest reminder to get anxious again, i.e. feel tired, lightheaded, having to lie down.
And yes, once you put the basket down, the "dangerous situation" is gone, and after a short while you feel fine.

I am sure your doctor is right and that this is only anxiety. Next time you go shopping, try getting a cart instead of a basket and see if that makes any difference.
Please take care

12-03-07, 19:37
It is probably a lot to do with association as well.

You are "expecting" to feel bad when you carry bags so you do.

14-03-07, 14:55
Thanks for the answers. It's good to know I'm not the only one! I had thought that perhaps it was too bizarre a symptom for anxiety. Now I know different! I think I'll have to start some exercise that will build up my strength so I can carry things properly again. (I've been having lots of leg pain so have stopped most of my usual exercise).