View Full Version : My update - 95% recovered!

15-05-16, 12:05
Hi all,
Can't believe how far I've come in a relatively short time, I say short compared to my years as a health anxiety sufferer.
I'm still not smoking, nearly a month without them, over 500 cigarettes not smoked and I didn't smoke at a social event last night. Did I want one? At times yes, but it certainly didn't ruin the evening and I've woken up today with my throat intact and not stinking.
Couch to 5k programme coming along OK, I'm not a natural runner or athlete but I'm a tryer so I'll persevere (spent a fortune on new exercise kit so not giving up!).
How did I get this far, well I realised that the only person who can help me recover is me, support is brilliant and helps you learn more about yourself but the hard work and effort needs to come from within. I can sit there and dwell on the fact I might have a heart attack, throat cancer, blood clot etc whilst smoking 20 cigarettes a day and not moving off the sofa, chances are I'd be my own self fulfilling prophecy if I kept that up! Or I can do the things that will improve my life chances, there's no guarantees in life but I'd rather know I'd given it my all.
I'm 95% recovered as no one will ever be anxiety free, that's an unachievable goal so never strive for that, being able to cope with anxiety is my aim and I'm certain I'm there.
Wishing you all luck in your journey.

15-05-16, 13:02
Simply brilliant, Tracey! It's well deserved.

It must feel amazing? And it's all down to your very hard work and determination. Any future blips, and hopefully there never will be, and you know how possible it is to pull yourself through when you do all the right things and keep at it.

It's good to see someone coming through the other side. You truly have the right attitude and have clearly learnt one of the hardest skills in acceptance and you have learnt not to put pressure on yourself with understanding what is both possible and reasonable.

Here's to hoping we all get there too.

15-05-16, 13:20
Thanks Terry, it's been little steps along the way but if you put them all together it makes a giant leap.
I'm at a point where I'm happy with myself.

15-05-16, 17:15
What a brilliant post! :yesyes:

Self realization is a key (that's what therapy is about... a guide to it IMO) and we all have the light bulb. It's a matter of flipping the switch to see the light and the big picture.

Keep up the great work!

Positive thoughts

15-05-16, 18:43
well done :) hoping ne day il be making a post like this inspiring :)

15-05-16, 19:22
Thanks FMP, I'm surprised by how much energy I have, I'm doing exercise every day even if it's just a brisk walk.
Fedup - it can be you one day, anxiety is a journey and you need to find what works for you, for me it was therapy and feeling ready to make some significant lifestyle changes. You won't wake up one day and be cured, but you can make progress slowly each day until you become in control of your thoughts. There are many on here that I've seen struggling greatly, posting sometimes a couple of times a day, desperate for reassurance then they snap and start to fight back.
I'm lucky I've always had my family supporting me, but it's very encouraging that my son has noticed mammy is happy, that's worth every ounce of effort!

16-05-16, 23:15
That's amazing! Just proves that working out and doing the work on yourself really does pay off, this makes me even more motivated to get through this terrible and miserable anxiety.. Mine started 3 months ago, but just recently i have been doing 30 minutes of working out each day even though i experience leg cramps. No more excuses, If i have to go swimming because of the leg cramps i will make it happen. I used to fear working out because of the pain in my legs but you just have to look for all alternatives to get through it. Exercise is so amazingly healing and I also have a therapy session scheduled in two days, so i am going to fight through this, just as you did.

17-05-16, 11:55
Good luck, the less time we have to sit and dwell the better, therapy really helped me discover more about myself and break down those negative cycles xxx

17-05-16, 13:28
I'm really pleased for you, Tracey! You've made amazing progress and have shown huge determination in your decision to quit smoking! xx

17-05-16, 22:26
Can't tell you how much excercise helps. Been walking miles a day recently. It's fantastic.

17-05-16, 23:46
Hey Tracypo...

Maybe you can post a thread in success stories the steps you took to achieve the your recovery. I'm sure it would be invaluable to those that are still struggling.

Could become a sticky ;)

Positive thoughts