View Full Version : Working with Anxiety

15-05-16, 13:29
Hi all

Ive not posted on here for a while my anxiety is relentless again.Ive been offered a full time job as a Health Care Assistant at my local hospital.Im quite surprised i got it as my interview wasnt very good i couldnt answer half the questions my mind went blank and i was so nervous.Im shocked ive got it.Its working on a medical ward mainly all diabetic patients.I start on the 6th June well thats my start date il have an induction first.Ive met the ward manager and had a tour of the ward and the staff seemed friendly.I really want to do this i love helping people but its totally out my comfort zone.I havent worked for years and im worried i wont cope especially with the 12 hour shifts and the night shifts.This is the first job thats come up for me in a long time and im worried if i cant do this then what?My anxiety is hell at the mo any advice would be appreciated.

Claire xxx

15-05-16, 15:24
Hi Claire,

Firstly, congrats on getting the job. That is a real personal achievement, and you should feel proud of yourself for that.

This is a hard one though. The job of a HCA is not an easy one. I nursed for many years, and quite frankly, the ward could not have run without the help of the HCA's we had, as they take up a lot of the burden that nurses don't have time to do, such as basic patient care, taking observations, bed changes, etc. IMO, they are VASTLY underrated in terms of just how much they keep the NHS functioning.

I am a bit worried on your behalf. As you say, 12 hr shifts and nights are not easy. Much harder than a standard 37.5 hr week with normal hours. Being tired alone can contribute to anxiety.

It is really tough to know how to advise you on this. lt really depends on how badly you want the job, and whether you feel you can manage your anxiety around the job. My worry would be that you say your anxiety is hell at the moment, and that the pressure of starting a new AND a busy job may exacerbate things. It may well be the case that seeing how you go is the way to proceed here, but with some caution too. HCA is a tough job.....rewarding, but tough. xx

15-05-16, 20:24
Hi Claire,

Congrats on the job! That's seriously so great and you should be really proud of yourself! You said the interview didn't go well but it must have gone ok if you got the job, don't underestimate yourself!

The first thing i noticed from your post is saying that you won't be able to cope and you're scared you can't do it. First off, you need to stop with those negative statements. If you tell yourself you can't do something than it will make it that much harder, it's a self fulfilling prophecy. I KNOW that is easier said than done. As someone who suffers from anxiety myself, i understand how intrusive negative thoughts can be.

I think you should look at this opportunity as a fresh start/blank slate/second chance. This will be a new chapter in your life that could be the start of many great things to come. A new job means new friends, a new source of income, opportunity for learning and growth, etc. Imagine how good you will feel when you start the job and realize that you CAN do it. Even if you find that the job is too much for you at the moment, you can always quit, it's not the end of the world, but you'll never know until you try. You have to give it a shot at least.