View Full Version : Cramps in one calf, certain i'm going to die of a blood clot

15-05-16, 13:34
Last night I ended up getting a cramp in my left calf, and it hasn't gone away after over twelve hours. Naturally I turned to Google, and the only option suggested was deep vein thrombosis, so now I'm certain I'm going to die.

Normally I'm able to give myself a game plan for an emergency, which helps calm me down, but I'm travelling tomorrow and won't have time to go to the hospital. I'm trying to tell myself that there would likely be more symptoms than a little aching and tension if I had a blood clot, and I've been monitoring it all day for swelling or heat, but I'm still petrified over it.

(And, of course, one of the symptoms for PE is "a feeling of unease or anxiety," so of course that's going through my head as well.)

Sorry for rambling, but it's nice to get the anxiety out.

15-05-16, 16:00
I had this a few weeks ago and lasted for a week or 2. Never did get to the bottom of it, although i think it may have been something to do with footwear. Could be caused by many different things, were you walking alot yesterday? Maybe a muscle pull type injury? Xx

15-05-16, 18:49
I did a fair bit of walking the day before; most of yesterday was spent nursing a hangover in bed. But I wasn't wearing the best shoes when I did walk, and the area I live is hilly, so maybe that combination did it?

I hope so, at least :scared10:

15-05-16, 19:19
At this point, being you're still alive and posting on an anxiety forum, I'd say the chances are extremely good that you're just fine ;)

Positive thoughts

17-05-16, 00:15
If you are certain you are gonna die, why are you posting on an anxiety forum?

19-05-16, 14:21
I have had DVT's four times & 2 PE (clots in lungs), TRUST ME.......you WOULD KNOW if you had a blood clot in your leg....you cannot walk let alone sit & type on a forum....