View Full Version : let you down

02-10-04, 15:27
:( im sorry to say but ive let you all down two nights ago i took a overdose & cut my wrists just could not cope got home today feeling down & like a loser dont know what to do to make it stop just want the pain to go away help xx[Sigh...]

t bennett

02-10-04, 15:45
hello Twinkle,

So sorry to hear that you felt THAT low:(

It must be very difficult for you as I know you have been through some rough times. Just remember that we all understand what you are going through and want to help you in any way we can!! Please don't ever feel like you are alone.

If you ever need anyone to chat to, you can always chat to me on msn. My address is under my member profile.

I hope you feel a little better soon!! Take care.

Sarah :D

02-10-04, 16:07
Hello Twinkle

You don't need to feel like you have let anyone down because you haven't. I am really sorry to hear you felt that low. I do understand what it is like when the pain becomes too much that you feel it is the only way out. I have attempted suicide in the past at times in my life when I've felt unable to cope any longer. When I joined this forum in July I was feeling suicidal again and came so close to acting on it.

I understand it is really difficult for you and you have had some really tough times. I still get days when I feel that bad, but they are getting less. What has helped me so much is all the support I've received from people here who really do care. I know when feeling so low we can feel really alone but we do care.

I hope you are getting some help and support from your doctor. Are you seeing a counsellor? Don't feel you have to go through this alone. We all need help and support at times.

Take care.


02-10-04, 16:26
Hi Twinkle

You have not let us down at all.

Sorry to hear that things were that bad for you.

How are you now? Did they offer you any counselling at the hopsital to try and understand things?

I do hope you are not alone now and someone is with you.

We are here for you if you need us ok? You can always talk to one of us on MSN or in the chat room.

Big hug to you.


02-10-04, 16:37
getting help now community pyciatric nurse coming every week to see me

t bennett

02-10-04, 16:38
That will be good for you.

What happened with the boyfriend by the way?


02-10-04, 16:52
Hiya mate,

So sorry to hear things got so bad for you and there was no one for you to turn to.

You have not let us down at all i just wish we could have been supportive to you. I know you are having a really hard time at the moment and i guess you reached a point where you couldnt control how you felt.

Is someone with you this weekend as i would hate to think you are alone.

Love Sal xxxxx

02-10-04, 17:25
ow gosh twinkle, u ok now, im so sorry about u cutting ur self etc.

im soooooooooooooooo glad ur getting help, i hope your feeling alot better

also dont be sorry, its not ur fault!

Scooter Girl

if i was hungry would you feed me, if i fell you help me up, if i was crying would you brush away my tears

02-10-04, 18:28
hi again Twinkle,

It's great that a nurse will be coming to see you every week. It will be good for you to have someone to talk to and rely on. Come into the chatroom sometime if you need someone to talk to, ok?

Sarah :D

02-10-04, 18:50
Hi Twinkle!

You are not a loser and you have let absolutely no one down!! Hang on in there and let the people who care about your welfare help you! I think you will find there are quite a lot of people who will be more than willing to support you!

Love Minny...xx

02-10-04, 21:07
Hi Twinkle,

I am so :(:(sad to hear what you have gone through, my heart goes out to you. my thoughts are with you right now and I'm wishing you well.
Please don't blame yourself it's not your falt and you have not let anyone down.

Hope you feel better soon.


May your troubles be less
and your blessings be more
and nothing but happiness
come through your door..

02-10-04, 22:09
Hey Twinkle. You have let no one down by giving into the desires these illnesses produce. Be kind to yourself, and have faith that things one day will be easier.


02-10-04, 23:10
Hi Twinkle

Just wanted to know how you are hon.

Keep in touch.

Love Sal xxxxx

03-10-04, 18:35
hi Twinkle,

How are you doing? Hope you are feeling better!!

Sarah :D

03-10-04, 20:00
Hi Twinkle

I have just read this post. I am so sorry you felt so bad and I never want you to feel you have let us down, we'll always be here for you when you post.

Please let us know how you get on....

lots of love


Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit
Understanding is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad

03-10-04, 20:10
Hi Twinkle,

How are you today?




03-10-04, 23:21
Hi Twinkle

You are in our thoughts and we would all like to hear from you just to see how you are.

Here when you need us and want to talk.

Love Sal xxxxx

04-10-04, 14:49
thanks everyone im getting their now just taking each day as it comes

t bennett

04-10-04, 17:51
Hi Twinkle

Pleased to hear you are feeling a bit better.

You will get there hon it just takes time.

Take care of yourself.

Love Sal xxxxx

05-10-04, 19:56
Hi Twinkle

I've read your post and am so sorry to hear how bad you've been feeling. I can only echo what the others have said, but you haven't let anyone down and you are most definately not a loser. If there's anything at all I can do to help please don't hesitate to PM me, even if its just to have a natter.

Glad to hear that you're feeling a little better. Its going to take time but you can get there and you have the support of all of us here, plus I think its good that you've got the nurse coming to visit you too. Try not to bottle everything up when she comes to see you, to let go of your feelings will help loads.

Thinking of you hun, lots of love and cuddles Jo xxx