View Full Version : Hyperventilation

11-03-07, 23:07
Hi all,

3 days ago i finally realised that maybe i don't have some kind of disease, i was in work and completely forgot about my breathing, for maybe 5 minutes, but i knew i forgot, one of the first times in about a year and a half.

I was just wondering if you could answer these please.

1. I just jogged from my house to the garage and back (150m or so), and ive been out of breath for around 20 minutes.

Obviously this must be the hyperventialtion syndrome surely?

2. Is there a serious disease out there which makes you think about your breathing and out of breath?.

3. When im in bed, say in the morning, or before i go to bed, i always feel really out of breath, I don't know why, but compared to now its not as bad.

Thanks alot,


12-03-07, 19:39

Have a look at the posts under here about breathing

May help...


13-03-07, 21:10
Yes I reckon you are hyperventilating. I get this when I focus on my breathing it seems shallow and I cant breathe in properly which makes the muscles in yoru chest seizeup and you panic which causes an imbalance of carbon dioxide in the blood which makes you go into a viscous circle of breathing wrong and feeling panicky> Wenjoy x