View Full Version : Black eye floaters

15-05-16, 15:06
Over the last week or so i have started to notice the odd floater, not something i usually have. I notice them more when looking at a lighter background, or when i look down, there is one that is there constantly in my right eye, its very small little black circle at the bottom of my vision.

I have no eye pain or any vision problems, can this be 'normal' and nothing to worry about? i am mentioning it to my GP next week and will probably get an eye test to be sure, have always had perfect vision but this is making me feel uneasy x

15-05-16, 15:21
This is extremely common and is something I have. I even went for an eye exam and got told my vision is great.

The less you worry about these floaters, the less you'll notice them. They're harmless, so do try not to let them get to you.

15-05-16, 15:27
This is extremely common and is something I have. I even went for an eye exam and got told my vision is great.

The less you worry about these floaters, the less you'll notice them. They're harmless, so do try not to let them get to you.

Thanks for replying, is it being black not a cause for concern? Just I'm used to people's floaters being translucent.. It's not that annoying as I only see it in certain lights and it's small, but recently being having a strange 'clicking' sound in my head when I talk, sounds like a pin dropping, only happens every now and then but sometimes quite loud my partner could hear it.
Maybe I do have some screws loose :blush:

15-05-16, 15:44
What your seeing is the reflection of some bits of matter in your eye on your retina. As we age - potentially starting as early as our 20s - we develop bits of debris in the jelly in our eyeball.

Nothing can be done about these things. I've had them for about three or four years, but funnily enough they only started to bother me when I developed anxiety. I had an eye test that allayed any fears I have.

Although nothing can be done to remove them, if you don't worry about them you'll gradually begin to notice them less.

15-05-16, 17:02
Thank you going to just ignore it when I see it and hopefully like you said I should not notice it as much, instead if following it around like I normally do lol

15-05-16, 21:41
Got these when I was 21, I'm 23 now. I have the black floater that I only see sometimes in certain light. There one second, gone the next. I haven't had my eyes checked in three years but I'm assuming if it where anything serious I would have known by now. I have the clear stringy ones too. With time your mind gets used to them and eventually filters them out. And by that I mean your mind trains itself to not notice them anymore. I only really see mine in super bright lighting (like looking at a white wall outside in the sunshine). And the black floater in dim light. It's good to go to the doctor to have it checked out but I'm pretty sure it's not anything to worry about. :)

---------- Post added at 15:41 ---------- Previous post was at 15:37 ----------

What your seeing is the reflection of some bits of matter in your eye on your retina. As we age - potentially starting as early as our 20s - we develop bits of debris in the jelly in our eyeball.

Nothing can be done about these things. I've had them for about three or four years, but funnily enough they only started to bother me when I developed anxiety. I had an eye test that allayed any fears I have.

Although nothing can be done to remove them, if you don't worry about them you'll gradually begin to notice them less.

Yeah what he said!! Lol

15-05-16, 21:42
I have hundreds of floaters, some black some more clear looking, some round some in lines, all normal, I'd be lost without them!
Had them for over 30 years, get my eyes checked regularly.

15-05-16, 22:04
Thankyou !! Jheeze it doesn't take much to throw me into the 'what if I'm dying from a terrible illness' cycle :-(

15-05-16, 22:19
I've also had them for years. Nothing to worry about:D

16-05-16, 07:09
Yep I have black floaters too
More noticeable when I look at light coloured walls or the sky
Nothing to worry about according to my opthamologist

16-05-16, 11:31
I too suffer with this. please look at my post about black shadow and eye floaters in my post. x