View Full Version : Left eye twitching - is this normal?

15-05-16, 17:43
Hi everyone!

I hope you're all as well as can be :)

My left eye keeps twitching. It's been twitching on and off for a few weeks, but today it's going crazy.

I've recently stopped Sertraline, and am currently taking 80mg Propanalol.

I mentioned it to my GP on Monday, and he didn't seem to think anything of it (I was telling him how I'm doing with my withdrawal, and he kind of skipped over this part).

Does this happen to anyone else? It's my left eye, lower eyelid.

Thank you so much in advance for any words of objectivity :)

C xoxo

15-05-16, 23:10
I get this a few times a year; usually it's when I've had a really bad night's sleep coupled with some kind of stress--usually school-related, since I'll have been on the computer a lot. So maybe that's been causing it?

15-05-16, 23:20
I get this often and has sometimes lasted a week, very annoying :-/ I put mine down to stress x

16-05-16, 07:00
I get this too. I had one in my right eye that lasted a month. I have body wide twitching and have had it all checked out. Nothing to worry about, it will go when your stress levels have been stable for a while.