View Full Version : So angry and upset with drs

15-05-16, 19:52
Been on Betablockers for over 20 years. Sotalol 20mg twice a day, which apparently is a low dose. No heart problem detected, was put on them for palpitations caused by anxiety and a raised heart rate, it's always around 80bpm. Had to come off them because I needed to go back on Citalopram and apparently there were now contraindications with the two drugs. Dr said I could just stop the BBs as I was only on. Low dose but I queried it because I'd been on them for so long and she said, no problem, I also checked with the pharmacist who also said ok to do so.

Since stopping them though, have had terrible anxiety, waking up at 5:00am every morning for 6 weeks now with racing heart and panics and awful shakes and wobbly legs. Nobody will believe me that this is withdrawal, they say it is all psychological. I can't see that something that has been in your system for 20 years can suddenly not have an affect on you?

Somebody pointed me in the direction of some sites that say how dangerous it is to suddenly stop the BBs, which I have always read, and the sudden withdrawals are all the symptoms I have. It also says that it could lead to heart attacks and all sorts.

Basically, I'm so angry at the Dr for not knowing this, despite me seeking reassurance, but also now terrified they have done some damage to my heart. ECG I had a few months ago was fine but I was still on them at the time. I can't stand feeling like this every morning. I don't feel right until late afternoon and then the whole cycle starts again in the morning. I was given some Valium for a while to ease the symptoms but they won't relate the symptoms to withdrawal. I am frightened to go back on them now as I've had the Citalopram for two months. That is the only AD I can tolerate. I am at the dr's on Tuesday but I already have mistrust issues and this has made me even worse. The dr's seem not to be clued up with these issues and I'm frightened now I will have to see a cardiologist as my heart has been shocked by suddenly stopping this medication. My anxiety is awful and this has made it go through the roof. I am so confused. Anybody else had any experience of withdrawal from BBs?

Gary A
15-05-16, 20:00
How do you know these symptoms are 100% being caused by beta blocker cessation? How do you know, for instance, that you aren't suffering side effects from citalopram?

15-05-16, 20:31
I've been taking citalopram and beta blockers and my doctor hasn't mentioned any problem with the combination?

15-05-16, 20:31
I'm inclined to agree with Gary A. It sounds less like a reaction to stopping the betablocker and more like a reaction to restarting the Citalopram IMO.

My Dad was on Propanalol for over 30 years, non-stop for his anxiety and panic attacks. All they did and all betablockers are designed to do is prevent the racing heart/physical symptoms of anxiety, not address the mental stuff. which is why my Dad continued to have panics and anxiety, and suffered for years...until he finally found a 21st century doctor who actually gave him an ANXIETY drug, that being Citalopram. His anxiety has all but been knocked on the head now. He had no side effects from stopping the Propanolol, and also very few from starting Cit, but I think he was just very lucky as far as the SSRI starting side-effects go, as side effects are very common when starting an SSRI.

It just doesn't sound like you are describing betablocker stopping effects to me. I can't see how that would cause mental effects such as feeling anxious and panicky, but having only been on an SSRI personally, I can't advise 100%.

15-05-16, 20:56
I've been on Citalopram on and off for years and had no side affects at all. I've researched enough now on beta adrenal withdrawal and the trembling and shaking and panic is all on the list.

Gary A
15-05-16, 21:36
I've been on Citalopram on and off for years and had no side affects at all. I've researched enough now on beta adrenal withdrawal and the trembling and shaking and panic is all on the list.

With all due respect, have you researched the side effects of citalopram? Your symptoms do sound like side effects of it. Of course, if you truly believe that your doctor has made a mess of things and you've lost confidence, then it's your right to seek a new one.

---------- Post added at 21:36 ---------- Previous post was at 21:33 ----------

You may also be suffering a reverse placebo effect, whereby the beta-blocker has almost become a comfort blanket and having it withdrawn all of a sudden is leading you subconsciously to feelings of anxiety and panic.

15-05-16, 21:48
Gary, I have thought of that and yes, it could be part psychological, if it was just the racing heart bit as a lot of my health anxiety is about my heart but the weak, trembling legs when I try to walk downstairs in the morning and the shaking have never been an anxiety symptom of mine. I just don't know and that is the problem. I don't want to be stuck on Betablockers yet I also work on my anxiety as much as I can, i.e. Therapy, deep breathing, meditation etc. but nothing will get rid of it to a level where I have a life that isn't constantly fearful and anxious and lacking in energy and stamina gets me down.

Mojo, it's Citalopram and sotalol that have interactions not all Betablockers....

16-05-16, 01:09
I take escitalopram, not citalopram, but I can say that when I increased from 5 to 10 mg I had terrible shakes.

Where are you getting the info about beta blocker withdrawal? Is it from a reputable site or people speculating on forums? If it's from a reputable site - print it out and take it to your doctor and ask.

For all you know, it could be part start-up side effects of cit, part withdrawing from the beta blocker, and part just psychology (you're concerned about it so you're noticing it more). It may be hard to pinpoint the actual source of the anxiety and the symptoms.

Is it your regular GP doing this or are you also seeing a psychiatrist? A psych may know better about certain things and may be able to give you something as-needed for startup anxiety.

16-05-16, 05:05
This is what Drugs.com says:

Abrupt Withdrawal

Hypersensitivity to catecholamines has been observed in patients withdrawn from beta-blocker therapy. Occasional cases of exacerbation of angina pectoris, arrhythmias and, in some cases, myocardial infarction have been reported after abrupt discontinuation of beta-blocker therapy. Therefore, it is prudent when discontinuing chronically administered Sotalol, particularly in patients with ischemic heart disease, to carefully monitor the patient and consider the temporary use of an alternate beta-blocker if appropriate. If possible, the dosage of Sotalol hydrochloride should be gradually reduced over a period of one to two weeks. If angina or acute coronary insufficiency develops, appropriate therapy should be instituted promptly. Patients should be warned against interruption or discontinuation of therapy without the physician's advice. Because coronary artery disease is common and may be unrecognized in patients receiving Sotalol, abrupt discontinuation in patients with arrhythmias may unmask latent coronary insufficiency.

So, yes it should have been a taper, as can be seen being advised on the Propranalol board by others members on that drug too, but in terms of health threats it sounds more like those with a true underlying condition that are the risk here. There are others sections of that page, which is the one for medical professionals, and it does mention masked conditions but I thought you had no such conditions and it was used solely for anxiety?

What type of website are we talking here? Some just scaremonger.

Gary - sadly JAN's GP did make a total mess of her meds. She switched her to Sert on the basis that it clashed with her BB yet Sert also has the same level interaction. Cit has a slightly stronger worded text due to the long QT issue but Sert isn't much better. Close monitoring is recommended on both. There was no recommendation to stop the Cit, only monitor it, and there was a question mark over why it was not changed to a different BB which would have been far less impacting. JAN's mental health has suffered since withdrawing from Cit which had put her in a good place.

---------- Post added at 05:05 ---------- Previous post was at 05:01 ----------

I've been on Citalopram on and off for years and had no side affects at all. I've researched enough now on beta adrenal withdrawal and the trembling and shaking and panic is all on the list.

I've seen people on the Cit board say the same and then one time they suffer badly starting them.

I also think you have to remember that you were already suffering a lot before you started the Cit. Were they the same symptoms?

16-05-16, 07:32
Terry, no, never had these symptoms with anxiety before. That's why I can't work out whether it's from the withdrawal or the re-start of the Citalopram. I've been on them for two months now 10mg for 5 weeks then 3 at 20mg. I just know I can't stand feeling like this every morning and am supposed to be going on holiday in a month and want to feel well enough to go.

The symptoms do improve if I take a diazepam but I have none now so I thought it was just anxiety but it's the same every morning now.

Thanks for the research.