View Full Version : Having a bad day, worried sick

15-05-16, 20:51
I'm having a crappy day! Anxiety is high and not coping well, I just so worried about my health.

Over the last few weeks 3 broken capillaries have appeared on my face, one under eye, one on nose and another on my eyelid. They are red and very small but it's really scaring me as to why these are appearing? I'm only 25.

As well as the constant headaches, sinus pressure and strange clicking sound in my head when I talk. I'm so worried. My doctors are not great to say the least, since I told them about my anxiety they don't seem to listen to anything I say and just give me a sympathetic look.

I am trying so hard to tackle my worrying but some days are harder than others :-(

16-05-16, 00:13
At the peak of my anxiety I got a little red blood vessel surface on my knee. It's still there and hasn't gotten any bigger. Had it for a year now.

Gary A
16-05-16, 00:14
I'm having a crappy day! Anxiety is high and not coping well, I just so worried about my health.

Over the last few weeks 3 broken capillaries have appeared on my face, one under eye, one on nose and another on my eyelid. They are red and very small but it's really scaring me as to why these are appearing? I'm only 25.

As well as the constant headaches, sinus pressure and strange clicking sound in my head when I talk. I'm so worried. My doctors are not great to say the least, since I told them about my anxiety they don't seem to listen to anything I say and just give me a sympathetic look.

I am trying so hard to tackle my worrying but some days are harder than others :-(

What exactly is it you're worried about?

16-05-16, 00:31
What exactly is it you're worried about?

That I have some horrible illness or a tumour, head pressure and neck pain and this clicking sound in my head amongst other new strange symptoms. I know they could be attributed to other things and some of them anxiety, but I can't shake the thought it isn't, and my healths deteriorating

16-05-16, 00:58
Have you sought treatment for your anxiety?

16-05-16, 06:32
Have you sought treatment for your anxiety?

Yeah I'm in the middle of a CBT course, some of the techniques really help me with irrational thoughts and worry, but other times they don't seem to cut it as I still get convinced there's something really wrong.

I link all my symptoms together and assume it's some dreadful condition thats causing all of them, I have upper back and neck tension everyday along with the head pressure. So naturally this is linked to these capillaries breaking in my face and my new very common but frightening floaters, clicking in my head when I talk(partner hears it too), tired all the time and just feel shitty.

I hardly go to the doctor's compared to most but the appointments I do have we usually spend talking about anxiety, if I bring up a symptom that's been bothering me it gets shoved aside with not even a check
Mentioned that I've been having pain and tenderness in my lower left rib for a while now and it's always tense in that area around left abdomen, doctor didn't even get off their seat or ask to feel, just said it's probably a bloated stomach.. For a year :-/

My doctors surgery really isn't great, I understand they are all trained and know far more than I do, but I feel nothing gets even looked at now since I mentioned my anxiety, which I obviously want to beat or I wouldn't have sought help but that doesn't mean that everything I feel is anxiety and ii t doesn't help that they don't listen to any concerns.

It's not like I've had tests. I've been going to them for my jaw pain and problems for nearly 3 years now and they have actually done nothing, no referral anywhere or scans offered. I told them how much some of the symptoms/pain I have are completely stopping my sleep which in turn is making me in a worse state the next day, I'm waking through the night with severe ear pain, not just a niggle but pain that brings tears to my eyes, my ear goes bright red and I can barely touch my ear cartilage anywhere or it causes a burst of pain. I have to sit up for 10-20 with a cold cloth on it before it eases, this happens in either ear but mainly my right.

They looked inside it once and said looks fine and now they just say hmmmm isn't that strange.
Tackling my fear and anxiety is crucial whether I'm perfectly healthy or not, but I'm finding it more difficult to apply any methods I've learnt due to the things mentioned above.

I think I just need to tell them again how much it's affecting my life, and exactly what I'm worrying over.

16-05-16, 11:35
I had my first physiotherapy appointment today for my neck tension. She said straight away my neck and shoulders were extremely tight.

She had me do certain movements, which i thought i was doing quite well, but she said i should be able to turn my neck a lot further side to side and up and down.
She used this tool on my elbow to check reflexes, it took her quite a while and i was panicking 'i have no reflexes' lol but she got it eventually.

She has put it down to bad posture/desk computer use, she said my head is too far forward and shoulders slightly rounded. Even when she told me to sit upright and straight, she said i was far off what i should be.

She has given me exercises to do and to go back in two weeks, she says it should definitely resolve itself doing these exercises and practicing better posture.

16-05-16, 18:23
I'm so glad I found this I have a strange clicking noise also grinding that I can hear and feel ! I keep getting headaches and sharp random headpains that last minutes I'm trying my best to not freak out but it's too hard not too I feel like a ticking time bomb I'm 24 I keep getting sinus problems constantly I'm guessing it is as I have green constantly in the back of my throat and it taste foul and I normally have this with sinus infection but I was on strong antibiotics last week they should of cleared it up if it was a sinus infection these head pains have been going on for months too and a daily thing xx

16-05-16, 18:34
Just to help myself understand this more, no doctors have done any tests for you? It seems odd that they would just brush off any symptoms since they are not psychiatrists then how would they know?

Early on in my health anxiety worry, I had one doc sort of like that and just said, probably stress, heres a pain killer for your headaches, try stretching. I found a different doctor and she seemed genuinely concerned and ordered all sorts of tests for me, all coming out negative, which helped but didn't get rid of my fear.

Perhaps find a different doctor to run some tests at least.

Be careful though, there's the saying that if we pursue our health anxiety we'll eventually find a doctor to diagnose us with death.

What I mean by this is that I eventually had not only myself convinced that I had cancer, I had my doctor convinced as well when it really turned out to be nonsense and was a huge waste of resources in the end after several tests.

16-05-16, 20:10
Just to help myself understand this more, no doctors have done any tests for you? It seems odd that they would just brush off any symptoms since they are not psychiatrists then how would they know?

Early on in my health anxiety worry, I had one doc sort of like that and just said, probably stress, heres a pain killer for your headaches, try stretching. I found a different doctor and she seemed genuinely concerned and ordered all sorts of tests for me, all coming out negative, which helped but didn't get rid of my fear.

Perhaps find a different doctor to run some tests at least.

Be careful though, there's the saying that if we pursue our health anxiety we'll eventually find a doctor to diagnose us with death.

What I mean by this is that I eventually had not only myself convinced that I had cancer, I had my doctor convinced as well when it really turned out to be nonsense and was a huge waste of resources in the end after several tests.

No tests, I've had full blood counts and a thyroid blood check.
Yeah I can see how constantly wanting tests and feeding that worry could just make things worse, negative results will not cure my anxiety problem I know that but I would like some sort of tests/treatment for my jaw problems ect

They always give me prescriptions for painkillers which I don't want I want to treat the cause not the symptoms, hopefully I can find a doctor that can see the cycle I am in and that there's things that are worrying me. And be more pro active considering I haven't had any tests, maybe try and put my mind at ease, I dunno really :huh:

16-05-16, 20:35
The clinking sound when you talk, does it sound like sand is grinding between where your skull and jawbone connect? I've had that happen several times throughout my whole life, usually happens after I've been sleeping with my jaw clenched. If what you have sounds like that, then I don't think it's anything to worry about

16-05-16, 21:06
I want to treat the cause not the symptoms

You know the cause. One is your posture:

She has put it down to bad posture/desk computer use, she said my head is too far forward and shoulders slightly rounded. Even when she told me to sit upright and straight, she said i was far off what i should be.

She has given me exercises to do and to go back in two weeks, she says it should definitely resolve itself doing these exercises and practicing better posture.

The other is anxiety. Work on the physical aspects as suggested, treat your anxiety with therapy and meds if needed and you treat the root of the problem which in turn treats the symptoms.

Positive thoughts

16-05-16, 22:13
I do get that sound, but this is different like a pin dropping in a tin can, sometimes like if you flick one nail off the other, its a very quick click sound and moves around the back of my head and sometimes feels like it's near my ear and eye. The click happens at the end of a word its strange.

I need to put everything into correcting my posture and helping relieve this muscle tension as no doubt it's causing all sorts of problems, and if course my anxiety. It's so severely hard and depressing.

---------- Post added at 22:13 ---------- Previous post was at 21:51 ----------

Two more of them broken capillaries have appeared under my eyes, little blood vessels burst under the skin and I have no idea why. Hoping they go in time because I don't want a face covered in them