View Full Version : Very scared...

16-05-16, 03:01
2 and a half months ago i started getting a whole lot of disturbing things happen to my body. First started with my bowels which made me think i had ibs, then started getting chills so bad i had to wear layers at night, started having panic attacks, heart palpatations, blurry vision and so on. All of this caused my stress levels to skyrocket. I Went to tons of doctors and finally got a diagnosis that my tsh was low. Went to an endocrinologist and they told me i had thyroiditis...which does cause anxiety, anyways, im still not sure i was in such a stressed out state that my bloodwork could have been altered from it.. there's alot more to my story but ill just leave it to that. SO 2 months later and here i am, I feel like a different person, cant stop thinking and questioning my health. And i mean it feels like i can't get out of my head. Sometimes I break down and start crying, I'm suffering so much from this.
Mainly lately whats really driving me nuts is my eyes. It started as blurry vision, and then that stopped and it turned into a pressure/strained feeling of my eyes which made it difficult to look at screens, watch tv, read,etc. this got progressively worse lately where i feel like i cant go out and drive because the lights hurt my eyes that bad, and not only that it is now going through my jaw with in 3 minutes of reading or trying to watch anything, so there's like a pressure that spreads to my entire right side. I should also say that the pain is not like a migraine or tension headache, my pain is always there, if i use my eyes i get pain and also it is not a symptom of thyroiditis at all. I was prescribed a beta blocker 2 days ago, and i found that this significantly helped my eyes and made me feel like I could actually function and look at stuff to distract me from all of this shit.. So i'm wondering if a beta blocker took the pain down that much, does anyone think this could all be stress/anxiety related? I feel like ill never get an answer.. doctor's do not know, i have had a thorough eye exam which came back normal. Any insight would be so helpful, I feel like im in a hole and i can't get out, thanks :(