View Full Version : Scared of potential problem?

16-05-16, 04:07
After sitting down for a while on the PC(like 6 hours) I started to feel a weird pain in the left side of my upper chest. I looked it up and instantly found heart attack. Now, the chest pain went away but I have a weird feeling in my throat and my legs feel a little tired. I think this is from anxiety but I'm still worried it's a heart attack. I'm 13 years old boy.

16-05-16, 15:26
It's absolutely anxiety.

Do you have anyone you can talk to?

16-05-16, 15:47
Could very well be posture position. If I sit at the PC for any length of time I start getting pains whether in my chest, back, arms, neck. The rest of the symptoms are probably from being anxious about it.

16-05-16, 17:51
Yup this mostly sounds like posture. If you're going to be sitting that long try getting up and walking every hour or so and get some fresh air. I work at a desk all day long and I find myself needing to do this not only for getting my blood flowing again but to keep my anxiety from ramping up.

16-05-16, 18:18
Your heart is in the middle of your chest. If it were a heart attack it would be a crippling, crushing pain. A small pang on the left side of your chest is nothing. Is your house humid? Sometimes when it's humid my chest/lungs will hurt

Oh also! If you eat too much too fast, or consume a lot of caffeine, it can cause spasms in your chest that are painful and scary. Had a handful of them as a child and teen. Haven't had one in a few years since I cut almost all soda (except for an occasional caffeine-free Sprite) only drawback to that is that on the rare occasion I need a cup of coffee, I'm stuck on the toilet all day x( !!

You're a 13 yr old boy, so I would imagine you drink a lot of soda or energy drinks you probably don't need to be drinking. Stick with bottled water for a while and if you need a sugar fix, go for Sprite instead.

16-05-16, 21:41
Thanks guys! Thankfully no heart attack. I do believe it has something to do with the fact that I'm skinny yet I ate 2 bean burritos from taco bell in like 2 seconds and was sitting down. Gotta cut down on that stuff lol

16-05-16, 22:28
At 13, you should be able to handle the occasional burrito.

The likelihood of you having a heart attack is vanishingly small. Remember that next time your chest hurts.

16-05-16, 22:33
Thanks guys! Thankfully no heart attack. I do believe it has something to do with the fact that I'm skinny yet I ate 2 bean burritos from taco bell in like 2 seconds and was sitting down. Gotta cut down on that stuff lol

Ewww Taco Bell lol go with taco Bueno next time, ten times better than bell lol trust me.

17-05-16, 01:17
You're 13.... "13" Much too young to be worrying about serious illnesses let alone posting on an anxiety website.

Please print out your threads, show them to your parents or your doctor and ask for help. I have a daughter that suffers from depression and anxiety. She came to me and tole me what was going on. Between myself and her mother (my ex) we got her help. It took some time but she's doing great now.

Please approach your parents or a trusted adult and explain what's going on.

Positive thoughts