View Full Version : Well..... shoot

16-05-16, 14:27
So I was driving to work this morning after a wonderful weekend. I got most of the way there, and right at my turn to get on my street- PANG- chest tightness. That hasn't happened in awhile. But it's still here, unfortunately... just this weird feeling of dread and "blah."

I'm not thinking too much about it (or, at least, TRYING not to, but you all know how that goes), but it sucks to have had a good past week(ish) and have that feeling again. The good news is that it's not NEARLY as bad as it was last month. Just a little disheartening that it came back.

TMI- I'm also approaching my time of the month, and it's always worse then, Citalopram or not. So I'm sure that doesn't help. Gotta love being a woman, huh?

16-05-16, 16:30
I think I commented a while back saying I'd had a bad couple of days out the blue & someone asked if I was due on - I was, and the anxiety eased a couple of days later. I think our periods do play a part in our anxiety, hopefully you'll be back to feeling great again soon. It's good you've had a fab weekend though & you're able to say that it's not as bad as it has been, sounds like you're able to tolerate it more which is a good sign - soon you'll be able to shrug those days right off! X

16-05-16, 16:32
I wish I was a women so I'd have a reason for feeling rubbish this last week lol. I'm very up and down still although have been better in general.

Keep up the good work all and stay strong!



16-05-16, 20:11
Yes its definitely your hormones playing up prior to your cycle! Happens to me every month. I am hoping Cit is going to help it eventually. I have horrible symptoms 7-10 prior to my cycle.

---------- Post added at 19:11 ---------- Previous post was at 19:09 ----------

I wish I was a women so I'd have a reason for feeling rubbish this last week lol. I'm very up and down still although have been better in general.

Keep up the good work all and stay strong!



I am sorry you are having a bad week, but trust me you don't want to be a women lol. We have to many things to do to our bodies and are hormones can make us nuts lol :ohmy:

Hope things start looking up for your soon :bighug1: