View Full Version : Another newbie...

12-03-07, 01:34
Hi all

found this site a while ago and only just decided to post.
Been suffering from panic attacks on and off for 10 years, sometimes with a good couple of years inbetween. Have had 5 bouts of major depression and with this last one have developed bad anxiety too.

Have been on medication for past 5 months which has really helped, but for the last few weeks I've been feeling very on edge and tight in my chest.

I think it's mainly because I feel like my boyfreind is fed up of me, we were living together but he couldn't cope, I moved back home (2 1/2 hours away from him). And although he's been good at coming to visit lots, he's started being short tempered with me and I just feel useless. He doesn't understand at all. It's like he's sick of even trying to understand.

He was always the person i spoke to and was there for me. I've tried so hard to get better and am doing so well..but it's like it's not enough. He's got this new life and wants a successful girl to be in it with him.

I just don't know what to do...

Sorry everyone. Supposed to be introducing myself but go on a rant instead. Just needed to get it out I think.

Nice to be around people who understand for once.........sometimes it feels so lonely and people make me feel bad for just being who I am. I try so hard to stay on top of it....

12-03-07, 09:01
A very big welcome to the site :D

I wonder whether it may help you to work on your self-esteem (saying daily affirmations can be a start) cos something I've come to realise is that we need to find happiness and security within ourselves. If we only feel this from another person then we put ourselves in a vulnerable position if the person isn't there anymore.

Get to really like who you are (anxiety and all) and appreciate all that you have to offer! :D

Love Piglet :flowers:

12-03-07, 09:11
Hi Missy

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

What Piglet says makes a lot of sense - you have to look after you and love yourself foremost and not worry too much about what other people think.

Anyway - wanted to say Hi and hope we can be of some help.

12-03-07, 13:20
Hi Missy and welcome to the forum

12-03-07, 16:09
hiya there missys, what Piglet and Nic have mentioned is very true , other than that, it's lovely to have you here and you will find lots of support!!!!


12-03-07, 16:58
Hi Missy,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

12-03-07, 16:59
You're very welcome. You'll find lots of new friends and good advice here

13-03-07, 15:27
Thanks guys

I really appriciate the advice

I have been having councelling for a few months which has really helped - helped me come to terms with the fact that the anxiety etc is part of who I am rather than something that is 'happening' to me. Sadly it feels like ny partner is still waiting for this to be 'taken away' or 'dealt with' which just makes me feel guilty, even tho i have explained to him it will always be part of who I am.

Daily affirmations sound like a good idea..have already been subconsiously doing it - maybe it's time to step up a gear and make it a daily routine. I'm very proud of myself for comign through quite a lot. I was at rock bottom a few months ago. Just wish other people were as proud of my hard work eh?

Thanks guys - i really appriciate it x

13-03-07, 19:31
Hi there Missy,

A BIG welcome to the site.

Take care

shirley xx

14-03-07, 11:56

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends,

Take care

Trac xx

Pink Princess
14-03-07, 16:27
hey welcome to the site, hope you settle in, take kare x x x x x

15-03-07, 08:14
Welcome to site. great support n advice here. glad to have ye on board x

16-03-07, 21:28