View Full Version : Unexplained head pains & opticians said definitely not eyes

16-05-16, 18:16
I went to doctors about my sharp head pains that come and go and now I've developed severe dizziness / off balance I can hear a grinding in my head alot and feel it but thought nothing of it at all to be honest the head pains are daily along with other headaches nothing touches the sharp pains they still come after taking Meds my doctors said get to opticians I left it two months as I was scared I'd need glasses I know vain me but anyway I went today and my eyes are fine opticians said it's not my eyes causing the pain and wrote on my notes see gp about headache and dizziness well I walked out happy no glasses yeyyy until I'm sat here now with random sharp headpains tightness ect and scared I'll collapse any minute of a anyrsm or tumour or something I don't know what to do I can't stop worrying Google isn't bringing much up at all accept the obvious brain tumour anyrsm ect I'm getting so wound up anybody else experience this ?

16-05-16, 18:30
Sometimes I get sharp head pains. I get ice pick headaches. Which are exactly as it sounds. Very short, sharp pains, like someone jabbed an ice pick into your head. They aren't super common but happen and are usually harmless, like most other headaches

Could be cluster headaches as well.

I've had tension headaches before too but they usually feel like you're wearing a very tight sweatband around your forehead

The dizziness is probably from your anxiety and focusing on it too much. That would be my assumption, but I am not a doctor

The other day at a Thunder Basketball game, when I was trying to find where I could have my custom jersey made before the game started, there were so many people in the hall and I started feeling dizzy and not right. The right side of the base of my skull tightened up and I felt so off up until I got to my seat. Then I instantly felt better. It's crazy how anxiety can cause real physical symptoms. But certainly don't think when someone says "it's anxiety" that they're just saying it's all in your head, because it definitely isn't

---------- Post added at 12:30 ---------- Previous post was at 12:27 ----------

Also the grinding in your head, could you describe that better? Is it like something you're hearing in your ears like your pulse? Or is it in your jaw? I have a weird grinding sound that I hear when I move my jaw sometimes. Sounds like there's sand between my jawbone next to my ears

16-05-16, 19:36
The grinding noise is like what I can imagine bone and fluid to sound like like sometimes my bone near my hip grinds and I can feel it its like that but in my head but can feel it ?
The headaches was happening when I was pregnant so doctor did mention ice prickling headaches as she said pregnancy does strange things but it's happening still since I've given birth and the dizziness has got worse since giving birth like before I would get a random spinning sensation now it's like I'm fully dizzy and I still get the spinning sensation too asif I'm on a swing or something other times it feels like I'm walking on a bouncy castle or something I feel super unwell I have anemia since giving birth so I was hoping the dizziness was from that but it's not typical anemia dizziness I've had anemia before this is like I'm constantly on a boat or something moving I feel like I have the flu but without sneezing ect

16-05-16, 19:48
Have you looked into symptoms of postpartum anxiety?