View Full Version : Just curious about anxiety in crowds/ physical symptoms

16-05-16, 20:23
The other day at a Thunder Basketball game, I was trying to find and buy my favorite player's jersey before the game started, but they didn't sell them already made at the Thunder shop I was in (the arena has several merchandise stores) . I had to go down the huge hall at the arena to another Thunder shop where they make the jerseys they don't already have hanging up. There were so many people in the hall and I started feeling dizzy and not right. The right side of the base of my skull tightened up and it was like that the whole time I was in the Thunder shop resquesting to have my jersey made. It didn't help that my boyfriend was getting impatient about the situation. Huffing, getting separated in the hall and shop. Giving me "let's go" looks. I felt so off up until I got to my seat. Then I instantly felt better. I had to get up at halftime to pick up my jersey from the shop two floors down, and the feeling came back. Of course when I got back to my seat everything was fine again. I've attached below a pic from my seat and you can see how many people were there, it was a super important playoff game.

I just think it's crazy how anxiety can cause these real, involuntary physical symptoms, and was wondering if anyone has had any similar experiences? I know this is technically a social anxiety but the physical symptoms at the time had me concerned about my heath. The head feeling was so strange. It really felt like something was wrong. It was pretty similar to the head feeling I had when I had my first panic attack this past Christmas Eve.

Anyway I'd love to know what you think, xoxo

17-05-16, 03:36
Nobody? Ok :weep:

17-05-16, 05:05
Well you definitely won't be alone. A load of us GAD sufferers for a start will have been through it. Any of us who have or have had issues with supermarkets for a start.

It's a feeling of being suddenly overwhelmed, simply a trigger of a different nature. No different from any HA type trigger but perhaps just something that was new to you? Sometimes new ones seem to come along and shock us until we learn how to let them not spike us so easily, like a greater sense of self assurance.

The fact is though - you went through it, you didn't let it beat you. You prevented avoidance. That is to be acknowledged & applauded! Well done! :yesyes::yahoo: And more over you went back into another crowded situation and carried on as normal and it had gone.

You did the exact right things here but don't allow it to become an issue by obsessing over it and making it a negative.

17-05-16, 06:43
Well you definitely won't be alone. A load of us GAD sufferers for a start will have been through it. Any of us who have or have had issues with supermarkets for a start.

It's a feeling of being suddenly overwhelmed, simply a trigger of a different nature. No different from any HA type trigger but perhaps just something that was new to you? Sometimes new ones seem to come along and shock us until we learn how to let them not spike us so easily, like a greater sense of self assurance.

The fact is though - you went through it, you didn't let it beat you. You prevented avoidance. That is to be acknowledged & applauded! Well done! :yesyes::yahoo: And more over you went back into another crowded situation and carried on as normal and it had gone.

You did the exact right things here but don't allow it to become an issue by obsessing over it and making it a negative.

Thank you terry! It was just such a strange thing. I mean I didn't have racing thoughts or was directly made anxious by the people, it was like I was already stressed from the situation of not knowing what to do, but all the people, and what I would call "chaos" being like a static over the situation seemed to cause me completely involuntary physical symptoms. I didn't have fear of the people, I guess it was just the atmosphere.

I really wanted that dang jersey lol and I wanted to wear it for the second half of the game.

When I had my first panic attack I was in front of my whole extended family and I played it off like nothing was happening. My heart was racing and unexplained fear panic gripped my chest. My head felt distant and off. No body noticed. I'm pretty good at hiding these things. Been trained to do it since I was 12 basically growing up in an abusive situation.

Me being on this site is an example of that. I don't talk about it to people I know, gotta make face and keep up appearances.

I like discussing things and maybe even helping others with their anxiety. An unbiased opinion is always valued

Well, again, thank you really. I'm glad you took the time out to comment!

17-05-16, 06:56
Me in my jersey haha I was too happy!!

17-05-16, 10:20
happens to me on occasion, specially at restaurants and public transport.

having dealt with emetophobia for a good part of my childhood and teenage years (partially self recovered via exposure) i can still feel the remnants of it.

whenever i eat out once i'm done i always panic i'm going to throw up on the table. i get hella overstimulated and start panicking for no reason, then the physical symptoms show up: acid reflux, then full blown nausea and dizziness.

i'm not 100% sure if this is triggered by crowds though, however, this never happens at home, only at restaurants, plus i find that excusing myself, going to the restroom and sitting there for a while by myself calms me down a lot and alleviates the symptoms, specially if it's a single stall bathroom

17-05-16, 10:30
Looking good in the jersey!:yesyes: So, it was worth it then?

I can remember having occasions early on in my anxiety developing where everything seemed loud around me all of a sudden in the office but I couldn't make out what people were saying. It was a strange sort of feeling.

Maybe you have learned to stop your panic from developing to that point where it spills over into full blown attacks?

I know what you mean though, I don't talk about my anxiety that much and when I do it in discussion on other peoples threads or someone asks me how I am. I've been through the worst of it before I joined so I don't need it as much as others.

It's good to help others, you will be really appreciated on here for it. But don't be afraid to talk when you need to either.

17-05-16, 20:56
It's interesting. I'm a performer and I'm around people and sometimes LOTS of them. While I'm in performance mode, I feed off of that. I'm also Ok with going to an event or show with large crowds.

That being said, I get irritable as hell in stores (like the grocery store) when it's crowded or I have to wait in line. I just want to get in and out and having to dodge carts and people as well as listen to screaming kids and babies gets under my last nerve. I've taken to going later in the evening to avoid the crowds.

Positive thoughts

17-05-16, 21:46
I would have to say my worst anxiety now happens when I'm around my boyfriend's family. I can never be comfortable. And there's usually like 30+ of them at these family dinners I have to go to once a month. It's so unnerving and I feel like they're always judging me. I made a thread about it in the social anxiety forum if anyone would like to read that. I would greatly appreciate it
Here's the link to that post


---------- Post added at 15:36 ---------- Previous post was at 15:33 ----------

It's interesting. I'm a performer and I'm around people and sometimes LOTS of them. While I'm in performance mode, I feed off of that. I'm also Ok with going to an event or show with large crowds.

That being said, I get irritable as hell in stores (like the grocery store) when it's crowded or I have to wait in line. I just want to get in and out and having to dodge carts and people as well as listen to screaming kids and babies gets under my last nerve. I taken to going later in the evening to avoid the crowds.

Positive thoughts

Yes I know what you mean! The crowd in the hall was infuriating. Everyone was so slow and I just wanted to get what I needed to do over with but everyone takes forever. I just started darting through people since I'm pretty small 4'11"

I hate grocery shopping. The lights are so bright and the aisle are so small. It's very uncomfortable

However I love other shopping like clothes and makeup. It's so strange..

---------- Post added at 15:39 ---------- Previous post was at 15:36 ----------

Looking good in the jersey!:yesyes: So, it was worth it then?

I can remember having occasions early on in my anxiety developing where everything seemed loud around me all of a sudden in the office but I couldn't make out what people were saying. It was a strange sort of feeling.

Maybe you have learned to stop your panic from developing to that point where it spills over into full blown attacks?

I know what you mean though, I don't talk about my anxiety that much and when I do it in discussion on other peoples threads or someone asks me how I am. I've been through the worst of it before I joined so I don't need it as much as others.

It's good to help others, you will be really appreciated on here for it. But don't be afraid to talk when you need to either.

Have you seen this video? It's supposed to be what it's like to have autism, but at my very worst anxiety my perspective was similar to this, and your description of what you went though reminded me of it.

Let me know what you think and if you can relate to this? (It's a very short video)


---------- Post added at 15:46 ---------- Previous post was at 15:39 ----------

happens to me on occasion, specially at restaurants and public transport.

having dealt with emetophobia for a good part of my childhood and teenage years (partially self recovered via exposure) i can still feel the remnants of it.

whenever i eat out once i'm done i always panic i'm going to throw up on the table. i get hella overstimulated and start panicking for no reason, then the physical symptoms show up: acid reflux, then full blown nausea and dizziness.

i'm not 100% sure if this is triggered by crowds though, however, this never happens at home, only at restaurants, plus i find that excusing myself, going to the restroom and sitting there for a while by myself calms me down a lot and alleviates the symptoms, specially if it's a single stall bathroom

The unexplained is the worst! I wish I knew why seemingly harmless situations cause this anxiety that creates these symptoms! It's so frustrating and makes me nervous for the next time in a situation like that..
What if something worse happens??

17-05-16, 23:41
However I love other shopping like clothes and makeup. It's so strange..

That's not strange at all! I've known many women to feel the same way! ~lol~
You'll deal with just about anything for clothes and makeup ;)

Positive thoughts

18-05-16, 23:53
Anxiety sucks. Mine started back in jan this year and I've had times where I felt somewhat better and back to my old self but I have had a few setbacks too. For one I have had 3 family members pass away within last 3 weeks and two was heart related and that is what I worry about on me. And I have done been to DR 3 times and seen two different doctors. And all claim I'm fine and nothing is wrong. Like to point they don't even recommend a follow up or anything. They say it's anxeity and it's hard for me to believe some times.

---------- Post added at 22:53 ---------- Previous post was at 22:51 ----------

But the 3 people who passed away was 50+ and two was 60+. And I am 32.

19-05-16, 00:31
Anxiety sucks. Mine started back in jan this year and I've had times where I felt somewhat better and back to my old self but I have had a few setbacks too. For one I have had 3 family members pass away within last 3 weeks and two was heart related and that is what I worry about on me. And I have done been to DR 3 times and seen two different doctors. And all claim I'm fine and nothing is wrong. Like to point they don't even recommend a follow up or anything. They say it's anxeity and it's hard for me to believe some times.

---------- Post added at 22:53 ---------- Previous post was at 22:51 ----------

But the 3 people who passed away was 50+ and two was 60+. And I am 32.

I haven't had anyone close to me die in a while (knock on wood) except for my great-grandfather in his nities, but when celebrities die and it's all over Facebook it sends me into a fit. Facebook is truly one of the worst triggers. All the cancer stories everywhere. But I've learned to filter that stuff out and unfollow the people that share that stuff.

Nowadays I can remain pretty calm about it. But when the Britney Maynard and Lauren Hill stories were everywhere it was almost unbearable

I think my anxiety has shifted away from health and gone more to social anxiety. Which I think is better to a certain extent. I know I must drive people crazy asking "do I look fat" to my mom and boyfriend all the time. Just started a diet and exercise routine to lose 10lbs so fingers crossed that that will help a little lol

19-05-16, 01:36
Yeah. Well I am down 34 pounds since my anxeity kicked up in jan. it made me lose my appitite and I stopped drinking 4-5 sodas a day to barely 1 some days. And the rest is water. I've gained some of my appitite back now. I mean I think if something was really wrong with me doctors would have caught it. I just don't understand why I can't totally get that thru my head all the time.

And all my family and friends probably get tired of telling me I am ok. But sometimes I still need to hear it.

19-05-16, 01:56
Yeah. Well I am down 34 pounds since my anxeity kicked up in jan. it made me lose my appitite and I stopped drinking 4-5 sodas a day to barely 1 some days. And the rest is water. I've gained some of my appitite back now. I mean I think if something was really wrong with me doctors would have caught it. I just don't understand why I can't totally get that thru my head all the time.

And all my family and friends probably get tired of telling me I am ok. But sometimes I still need to hear it.

Soda is so bad for you, I've nearly stopped drinking it completely, unless I go out to a resturaunt (doesn't happen often) and I'll order a Sprite.

When I had bad health anxiety I would always ask my boyfriend if he felt or saw the things that were triggering my anxiety (floaters, flashes) he was always a champ at making me feel better. We kinda joke about it now, I'll ask him to look at a bug bite or something and he says things like "must be cancer." Making a joke out of it helps. He talks about floaters sometimes and I assure him that his retinas are definilty detaching lol.

Anyways I try not to take life so seriously anymore. Do the things that make you happy, life is too short!

19-05-16, 02:18
I have had a lot of tightening feelings around my skull when I am anxious or having a panic attack, it can feel like pressure/tightness and is a really horrible anxiety sensation.

I have also had the feeling of a tight band around my head, these are all anxiety sensations.

The fact it subsided when you got out of the anxious situation and got back to your seat and then started when you had to go back into that anxious situation that brought on the tightness feeling definitely sounds like anxiety.

When you focus on any anxiety sensation it makes it worse too so the more you focus on the symptoms wether thats a tightening feeling, fast heart rate, feeling hot, breathless etc you will make it worse, it is a vicious cycle. But I know very well it is hard not to focus on the physical symptoms anxiety causes.

I have done that numerous times when a certain situation has caused me to have a specific anxious sensation or reaction, I then start to panic when I have to go into that situation again for fear of feeling that same physical symptoms thus making me feel the same sensations again. My brain often links certain situations with specific feelings or physical symptoms and when you fear having those same symptoms again you can bring them on yourself. It is the fear of having another panic attack or physical symptoms linked with anxiety/panic attacks that keeps the fear alive and makes you anxious.

I hope you manage to conquer your anxiety !

19-05-16, 02:28
Yeah I don't drink that many sodas now. And I think I am always tired or too tired or something now. Maybe it's the anxeity causing my energy not to be how it was. But I feel like I'm so weak or too tired for things now. I do try to get out and walk everyday though.

19-05-16, 05:30
I hate grocery shopping. The lights are so bright and the aisle are so small. It's very uncomfortable

However I love other shopping like clothes and makeup. It's so strange..

The unexplained is the worst! I wish I knew why seemingly harmless situations cause this anxiety that creates these symptoms! It's so frustrating and makes me nervous for the next time in a situation like that..
What if something worse happens??

Thanks for the vid, I will come back to when I've watched it.

I think most people can be like this. Most men are more likely happier in a DIY store than a show shop and women would be the opposite. There are always people who are outliers though.

GaryA mentioned something about spatial awareness on another thread when we were talking about such as supermarkets.

I think if you are spiked with panic, your senses are more alert and these lights are going to bother you more. In my much higher stages of anxiety I would have issues with light, being overwhelmed in large open plan indoor areas (reminded me of work where it all started, so a link to memory there) but as I moved into better recovery stages I found these issues go.

What if something worse happens??

What if it doesn't?
What if nothing happens?
What if you feel ok?
What if you feel GREAT? :yesyes:

What would happen if you allowed this anxiety to take hold by you avoiding these places "just in case"? I think you know enough about anxiety to understand exactly how that would make things harder for you. AND I bet you release where that journey can take you into more avoidance as you "shrink your bubble" smaller & smaller.

You handled it really well. That's the most important part of this. So, now you don't let it stop you and you expose yourself to these events to overcome them even more until they just don't matter to you.

Some things we just can't get an answer to. I think acceptance is important with this. We can't always know, we need to learn to become comfortable with that until we just stop caring as we do it intuitively.

19-05-16, 05:49
Thanks for the vid, I will come back to when I've watched it.

I think most people can be like this. Most men are more likely happier in a DIY store than a show shop and women would be the opposite. There are always people who are outliers though.

GaryA mentioned something about spatial awareness on another thread when we were talking about such as supermarkets.

I think if you are spiked with panic, your senses are more alert and these lights are going to bother you more. In my much higher stages of anxiety I would have issues with light, being overwhelmed in large open plan indoor areas (reminded me of work where it all started, so a link to memory there) but as I moved into better recovery stages I found these issues go.

What if something worse happens??

What if it doesn't?
What if nothing happens?
What if you feel ok?
What if you feel GREAT? :yesyes:

What would happen if you allowed this anxiety to take hold by you avoiding these places "just in case"? I think you know enough about anxiety to understand exactly how that would make things harder for you. AND I bet you release where that journey can take you into more avoidance as you "shrink your bubble" smaller & smaller.

You handled it really well. That's the most important part of this. So, now you don't let it stop you and you expose yourself to these events to overcome them even more until they just don't matter to you.

Some things we just can't get an answer to. I think acceptance is important with this. We can't always know, we need to learn to become comfortable with that until we just stop caring as we do it intuitively.

I've only avoided social situations a couple of times, I really want to go to another playoff game! I'm by no means someone that's scared to face these situations

I know worrying about next time creates the same anxiety that put me in the first situation, I have no intentions of making it a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I'm just so intrigued by the physical symptoms, I've been uneasy about situations before but usually I get butterflies, so my neck and head doing that alarmed me.

But I don't really need any reassurance, more just looking to open a dialogue about similar experiences. The physical effect amazes me. A discussion like this may also provide a reference should any unexpected symptom arise during an unforseeable tense situation.

Thunder lost bad tonight, current coping with that lol