View Full Version : Experienced great anxiety --- now flu like symptoms

16-05-16, 23:00
Two weeks ago I experienced great anxiety, very much a breakdown type, rapid heart rate, heavy breathing. I was okay the next day and after that. This weekend I began feeling extremely lousy. The day of my menstrual cycle I was feeling feverish and just very cold like. The day after it was a bit better but today it got worse. I don't seem to have an appetite, my joints ache, including the muscles in my neck. I also feel slight naseau and lethargy. I'm worried it's something serious and it's giving me more anxiety.

Has anyone experienced this? Are these symptoms of anxiety? How do I cope with this?

16-05-16, 23:04
Possibly symptoms of anxiety, more likely symptoms of having a cold or flu though. Take it easy, rest, drink fluids and so on - you'll feel better in a few days for sure.