View Full Version : Stomach feels pushed in or tensed up?

16-05-16, 23:17

here's a weird one earlier i had a massive panic attack thinking I've lost weight however basically i had a bit of a bulge in my stomach always have done I'm not that heavy to begin with I'm short and probably about 8 stone I'd say.

Anyway when i looked in the mirror earlier i thought i lose weight but basically it looks like my stomach is pushed in this started after having that bm earlier then feeling like I hadn't emptied which sent me into panic mode again.

Could it be because I'm so tense atm that i can't relax for it to come back out or is it something worse :(

17-05-16, 00:17
Are you in therapy and taking meds?

17-05-16, 00:22
no but god it's so hard to calm down :(, it's one worry after another atm

17-05-16, 01:10
Are you in therapy and taking meds?

Lokey: no but god it's so hard to calm down :(, it's one worry after another atm

Lockey, I would seriously consider intervention for your illness at this point. Every post is becoming more and more irrational and your anxiety is spiraling out of control IMO.

For the last three years you've been getting deeper and deeper into your anxiety. Please print out some of your recent threads and take them to your GP. Ask for help. You're asking for advice. I'm giving you sound advice. Please heed it.

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts