View Full Version : Fatigue, bulge/lump under my collarbone

16-05-16, 23:41
I'm male, 24. I have chronic sinusitis and thought the fatigue was from that, until I noticed this lump and got a little scared.
No night sweats, just fatigue and lethargy, started about 1,5 month ago. I feel sleepy literally 24/7. I don't know how long ago the lump appeared on my chest.

I tried to submit random pics i found with the lump marked on them but the forum won't let me. PM me if you want to post them for me.

The lump is where the right clavicle ends and meets the middle of the chest. Kind of below the collarbone, hard to describe.
It's painless to touch, and I can't feel it's structure either. It doesn't look like a lump per se, it's like a huge bulge. But it's definitely attached.
It's on both sides but the one on the right is significantly larger. Which is why I'm worried. I googled it and apparently someone had what seems like the same lump as the first sign of lymphoma.

I did not take a pic myself because it's not really visible to the naked eye.I did not consult a doctor about it yet.
I also have multiple swollen lymph nodes in my neck, they are about 0,5 cm diameter and were revealed by an ultrasound. I was recently diagnosed with a chronic sinusitis with polyps so I thought they are from that.

Thoughts? I'm scared

Gary A
17-05-16, 00:31
You could be suffering the effects of the sinusitis, it's perfectly natural for glands to swell when your body is fighting infection. This would also account for feelings of lethargy and sleepiness.

It's perhaps best to consult your doctor for a difinitive diagnosis.

17-05-16, 01:55
You could be suffering the effects of the sinusitis, it's perfectly natural for glands to swell when your body is fighting infection. This would also account for feelings of lethargy and sleepiness.

It's perhaps best to consult your doctor for a difinitive diagnosis.

I'm seeing him in 10 days but he won't give me a definitive diagnosis. He will either tell me it's fine (and I might not believe it), say it's bad and send me to MRI/CT, or say it's probably nothing but send me for MRI/CT regardless just to be sure. All 3 will lead to more stress and fear. So I preferred to ask you guys here first T_T

Could be a bad sinusitis I agree. And hopefully it's just that, I started treating it with nasal sprays about a week ago. My bloodwork was ~3 months ago and was fine. Had a neck ultrasound around the same time and showed only some swollen lymph nodes, and this far I believed they were swollen due to infection. But this one on the chest has me worried, if it's even a lymph node

17-05-16, 14:49
Just slept for 11 hours and the lump is still there so decided to check if someone else contributed.
Sadly I overslept by 5 hours, lol.

17-05-16, 16:05
I too have "lumps" at the top of my sternum underneath my skin. I noticed them about a month or so ago. There are two smaller ones on the side and one larger one in the middle. They are all flat and moveable for me. Do not that the manubrium has cartilage and ligaments around the area.

I have a dermatologist appointment (for an unrelated matter) and may schedule a doctors visit. If I receive any answers I'll let you know.

17-05-16, 17:56
I too have "lumps" at the top of my sternum underneath my skin. I noticed them about a month or so ago. There are two smaller ones on the side and one larger one in the middle. They are all flat and moveable for me. Do not that the manubrium has cartilage and ligaments around the area.

I have a dermatologist appointment (for an unrelated matter) and may schedule a doctors visit. If I receive any answers I'll let you know.

Thanks, appreciate it! Although mine is/are not moveable and I can't even clearly distinguish it/them from everything else. It's a bit like an elevated surface/bone/tissue. Feels like a lump though, and it does feel round. Good luck and let me know what they say!

19-05-16, 12:21
Bump! Just hoping that someone experienced might see it. It did not go down/change and i still feel lethargic. I don't expect it to go away but it's still hard to stop thinking about it (HA)

19-05-16, 18:51
It honestly sounds like a bone or something, especially since you have noticed it on the other side too. Maybe it was always like that? Our bodies are not perfectly symmetrical. How much bigger is it anyway? If it's a lot, get it checked, it could be a cyst. Cancer is one of the LEAST likely causes, so breathe and take it easy. Try to get to the doc soon - not for the lump but to calm your nerves. Getting it checked and knowing it's nothing will make you feel a lot better

19-05-16, 21:32
It honestly sounds like a bone or something, especially since you have noticed it on the other side too. Maybe it was always like that? Our bodies are not perfectly symmetrical. How much bigger is it anyway? If it's a lot, get it checked, it could be a cyst. Cancer is one of the LEAST likely causes, so breathe and take it easy. Try to get to the doc soon - not for the lump but to calm your nerves. Getting it checked and knowing it's nothing will make you feel a lot better

To my knowledge there are no bones there, and the right lump is three times as large as the left one. I will definitely get it checked but i don't think it's a cyst. I have swollen lymph nodes everywhere, and some bizarre symptoms.
I think if it has always been this way i would have noticed. Pretty sure its not been there for long

20-05-16, 13:54
I feel like killing myself. I know when i do the scans it will return a tumor or if i do node biopsy it will return malignancy. I've been having weird symptoms for far too ****ing long and the Lumps in my chest are not some newly discovered bones. i am sick of my life, we dont deserve this. i hate my ****ing family for giving me cancer genes
im logging off and wont be tracking this thread, thanks for trying to help i guess. have fun with being ****ed up panicking over a skin rash or a headache like 99% of people on this forum who think they have it rough. i envy you and despise you

20-05-16, 14:54
To continue to ruminate over this is just getting you deeper into an anxiety spiral. No one can guess what it is on the forum based on your description and a photo but I do agree it's probably just part of your body structure.

As far as swollen nodes? That's for a doctor to decide as well and testing etc. I've found that many times HA sufferers have a skewed perception concerning nodes, what's normal etc. I'm quite certain I can surmise you've been poking and prodding which aggravates the nodes and can and does cause swelling. Sinus issues cause the symptoms you're experiencing and as you posted, you found something that's probably been there your entire life, latched onto it and essentially diagnosed yourself and even resigned yourself to death!

You're seeing your doctor soon. Once you get the all clear, speak to him about some help for your anxiety. Let us know what he says.

Positive thoughts