View Full Version : Scared of Lymphoma, Not Sure Where to Stop

17-05-16, 07:48
Hi everyone. I've recently noticed a swollen area in what seems to be the lymph node under my jaw, along the muscle in the inside area of the neck (submandibular I believe). It's persisted for at least four months now. The first time I noticed it, I had cranked me head to wipe something off my cheek onto my shoulder and the lymph node (or some sort of mass) felt like it had pinched. The swelling feels large, about the size of grape, does not hurt, and is mildly movable and firm. It's not rock hard, but it's not really rubbery feeling either.

Fast forward about four months later, and the lymph node area is still enlarged. I went to my doctor who felt it, suspected allergies, ran my blood for allergies, all of which were negative. She also did a CBC, which was fine. She said to come back in a month, which I did last week, if it was still enlarged. It doesn't feel like it's grown, but it also doesn't feel any smaller.

I'm currently scheduled for an ultrasound of the thyroid and neck region later this week and an ENT specialist appointment next week. At this point, I've terrified myself that it's lymphoma, as I have no clue what else could be causing this. How far should I go in trying to diagnose this? I'm worried that an ultrasound won't properly tell me if it's malignant or not, only that it's enlarged.

Either way, I'm scared and can't stop thinking about it, but writing this out has made me feel better.

17-05-16, 10:52
How far should I go in trying to diagnose this? I'm worried that an ultrasound won't properly tell me if it's malignant or not, only that it's enlarged.

The ultrasound won't tell you anything - all you'll see will be a fuzzy black and white image of your insides, leave it to the radiologist and ENT to make a diagnosis - they're the experts!! And by the end of next week you'll have an answer. So, keep off Google, practise some mindfulness and be patient a little longer.

I've just had the same test as it happens, it took about ten minutes, there was someone in before and after me, there'll be a load more today, I have complete faith in the fact that they know what they are looking for, hope you can find that faith too.

08-06-16, 08:22
As an update: Had the ultrasound. Doctor called with results. Thyroid is fine, but my lymph node in question is 1.8cm by .5cm. The doctor told me to wait for 2-3 months to get it scanned again to see if it is growing, and if so, to biopsy it. At this point, I'm terrified. I'm at a point where I can't make an appointment because I have to wait, but I can't stop thinking about it until then. I've tried to resolve at least not to touch it until the next appointment, but that hasn't stopped me from looking everywhere else in my body for spreading.

I've honestly never had HA issues before this, and I have no clue how to deal with it.

08-06-16, 14:43
Let me chime in a little with a few words of my own, hopefully they help.

Like you I never had HA before, previously if I went to a doctor and he said it was X, then by gee of course it was X.

About 6 months ago something changed, I started re-evaluating symptoms for something I had been previously diagnosed for (a harmless issue). I googled and googled, quizzed friends and family members, hounded my doctor, until eventually I had an invasive procedure to check it out. I was convinced all my symptoms pointed to cancer.

The invasive procedure came back clear, in fact it confirmed the original diagnosis of something harmless. Funnily enough - the doctor was right all along! Who would have thought it!?

Unfortunately the HA made me double check and over-think everything about my body, I developed back and chest pains, which made me worry further. I had a little counseling, which was OK, but in the end I decided to start living, and that worrying about something you have no control over doesn't help anything.

Lo and behold, my back and chest pain went away.

Now I am awaiting a biopsy from a suspicious mole taken during a routine skin check. I'm suffering a little HA, but am doing much better. What will be, will be, and worrying over a diagnosis that I have not yet received doesn't do anybody any good.