View Full Version : Health anxiety on a hole new high.

17-05-16, 07:59
My health worries have been through the roof lately. I first cut my knee open and was very afraid of an infection and then I was worried about "what if I took anti biotics and have a rare reaction" then I worried if the wound didn't heal it'd be because I have diabetes. So I worried about what if I an undiagnosed diabetic. Lately I've been getting light headed a lot. Its like really bad vertigo but everytime it happens I'm at my computer monitor playin a game so it'd make since but no my anxious mind makes it seem like I'm epileptic and having a seizure. I'm constantly feeling disconnected from the world and afraid I'm going crazy. These past 2 months have been realmy hard on me honestly

17-05-16, 08:04
Well with you suffering a fair bit of DP/DR recently, light-headedness is going to be a possibility. It could just be eyestrain though from staring at the screen too long or maybe postural?

The other event is clearly a case of catastrophizing. Even having a reaction to antibiotics doesn't necessarily mean a dangerous one, it could just be throwing up and on the toilet all afternoon. :ohmy: And if you were diabetic, is that so bad? A hell of a lot of people have diabetes these days and it's very controllable. As an asthma sufferer since childhood, I could make a comparison to that and I tell you that asthma, despite is often being feared on the HA board, is no biggie for the vast majority of us who continue to run and work out with it as it's very well managed.

17-05-16, 09:34
I know how you feel! I catastophise all the time. This week it has been some chest pain. Oh what if this is lung cancer? (I'm a 23 year old non-smoker). I'm muddling up some words, must be brain tumor, I got a wave of nausea, confirmation of some form of cancer. I have tinnitus, also a sign of brain tumor, pain in tummy, bowel cancer... And so the list could go on forever!

I have also had the shackey low blood sugar feeling and thought what if I am an undiagnosed dibatic and go into a hypo in my sleep and die!
I don't know how to not think like this though because of all the stories in the media about young people getting this and that.. and I think, even though it is rare it has to happen to someone right? So why couldn't it be me? And what if I miss something and get it too late..

It's super hard to train your brain to not go to the worst case scenario.

17-05-16, 12:44
Thats what happens in that frame of mind, i was feeling the way you were about 2-3months ago for around 4-5 weeks, it seemed never ending, i then started to up my excercise and eat better and try and just focus on doing simple things, for last 6-8 weeks i've been totally fine hardly an anxious thought, but this week has been a bit different again, i do get the odd anxious thought but its not dominating my mind like it was a while back.

try your best to find something that takes your mind away from your usual routine. (easier said than done) but try that anyway

17-05-16, 19:05
I have the same symptoms as you. I have a weird dizzy feeling when I look at the phone, computer �� it feels never ending and is getting me down.