View Full Version : Having a low day:-(

12-03-07, 09:11
I need to get off my chest what im worrying about please.

When your children are ill, do you always seem to pick up whatever they have got? the reason I ask is that I NEVER use to get ill when the kids had a cold or virus but the last 3 times they have been ill ive caught it, colds and this nasty fluey virus that they all have but my husband yet again is hunky dorey!!!http://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/mad.gif

I know its probably just a hazard of the job but still I never use to catch things off them, the only thing dh & I ever picked up was a sickness bug because they are easy to pick up.

I am eating well, yes im a teeny bit under weight still but i eat now and very well indeed which im proud of:) yes my ferritin is low but on 2 iron a day for that and I take my vitamins. So I can't see how I am run down.

I had a full blood count and ferritin test done last month so surely if I had something nasty it would of shown in that but im still worrying the drs might of missed a dodgy result.

Also my neck keeps feeling stiff the last 2 days, if I sit down watching tv, then get up to walk my neck hurts to move it. Stupid me am thinking lymphona, I remember someone having neck probs when they had that but surely because my children and I have a bad chesty cough, cold, sore throat, aches & pains and a temp its just linked to this virus??:mad: I am mad at myself for letting myself worry like this.

I feel rough as hell today, 3 poorly kids and dh has left me to it to go to work, men have it so easyhttp://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/wink.gif

12-03-07, 09:17

Sorry you feel so rough at the moment - can't be nice with the kids poorly as well.

I had a spate of cold after cold and it was really getting me down. I did a post on here and on the advice of several people started taking:

Vitamin C with Zinc
Omega 3,6 & 9

It really made a difference to the colds. I think you need quite a high dose of Vitamin C though so make sure you get about 1000mg

Hope you can brush this illness off soon.

12-03-07, 09:35
Thanks Nicola,

I think the worrying is making me feel worse though. I panic ive got something like leaukemia or lymphona because im ill all the time but how can I have when my bloods were fine only 5 weeks ago??? I should trust that the dr checked them carefully and ive been told the lab also highlight any highs or lows for the dr to see clearly.

I take a good multivitamin, omega vits 1000mg, garlic, vit b 50, vit c 500 + zinc and 2 iron a day from dr. I shall double my vit c I think.
