View Full Version : Lower abdominal pain

17-05-16, 12:24
I have had lower abdominal pain on and off for a year. I've been to the hospital three times for it. Once it was from an ovarian cyst bursting. The other two times they couldn't find anything. I've also been to the dr for it a couple of times. I've had ct scans, blood work, urine tests, internal exams, and an ultrasound. Everything seems ok. At first I thought it was a lady problem, but now I'm not sure. I also have health anxiety so I'm sure that makes the problem worse. I've spent so much money going to see doctors and never get an answer. Any help/suggestions/thoughts of what it could be? I'm starting to get depressed over it.

The pain is usually a dull ache or pressure.

17-05-16, 18:32
My thoughts on what it could be without googling it - digestion issues, ovarian cysts again, endometriosis, some sort of cancer (stomach, ovarian, bladder), or just my anxiety.

17-05-16, 18:35
It could be IBS.

17-05-16, 18:47
If you've had it on and off for a year then it won't be cancer. Cancer does not come and go, once it starts it doesn't stop.

---------- Post added at 18:47 ---------- Previous post was at 18:46 ----------

I had a similar thing in February of last year and I concluded that if it had been stomach cancer I would be dead by now.

17-05-16, 19:04
Thanks for your responses. I don't really think it's cancer, but you know health anxiety can do crazy things. So you think it could be ibs? I don't have diarrhea or anything.

17-05-16, 19:22
I don't have diarrhea or constipation with my IBS, only pain from trapped wind. It can be really painful and last for a long time too.
When I first got the pain, which is now 40 years ago, it was always lower right side and I was convinced it was appendicitis. Many, many trips to Doctors and I eventually linked it to stressful times in my life.
It can be triggered by bad food or a tummy bug but anxiety just makes it much much worse. And sce hose days ve xperiencd pain n a lot of different areas. By all means see the Doctor for a checkup if it last too long or causes you concern. There are some very good medications that can help.

17-05-16, 19:33
Thanks again for the help. I have noticed more gas. Plus sometimes my stomach is gargling. I may go to my gp and get it checked out. My ob/gyn has not been much help.

19-05-16, 15:03
Still get a random pain here and there. I just don't have the money to keep going to the dr. Especially when they don't find anything. Yesterday I didn't really have any pain. This morning it bothered me a little. Anyone experience something like this? I think it's good that it's not constant pain, but I wish it would go away all together.