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17-05-16, 13:42
Anyone suffered with intrusive thoughts puts my mind at ease knowing it's not just me and I'm not going mad

17-05-16, 13:56
Oh I had those allllll the time. They subsided around week 3 or 4. They still pop up every so often, but they're WAY less intense.

17-05-16, 13:59
YES Becky! I had them quite severely when my anxiety was at its worst, they slowly dissapeared but I still got them on occasion even after 8 weeks on Citalopram - I guess it's just part of anxiety unfortunately. The medication didn't make them dissapear but they did give me the mental strength to ignore them until I didn't suffer any more. So no you're definitely not alone xx

17-05-16, 14:11
There awful thoughts tho never in my life would I do anything like I think it's hard to let them pass but I'm really trying to stay calm and ignore them been reading alot on the Internet about them too

17-05-16, 15:23
Yes they will pass. Don't read about them on the internet it will make you feel worse. If i felt the urge to read about side effects about Cit I would actually google positive experiences about Cit to give me hope that I will come out on the other end. Google cit cured my anxiety, cit cured my depression, cit changed my life, cit gave me my life back, cit made me a new person, etc.... Go on the drug review sites and only read the positive comments like on drugs.com, Webmd, ect...

17-05-16, 16:05
Thanks victory 2016 will not search the Web any more xx

17-05-16, 16:55
Agreed- search for the positive. That helped me. And do keep in mind that everyone is different.

The thoughts are probably the worst part. I had same thing happen when I started taking Zoloft, but they eventually went away. What really helped me was, when I was having the thoughts, looking in the mirror and saying out loud "I will get past this. These are just thoughts. You are strong. Prove the thoughts wrong."

17-05-16, 17:47
I'm always talking out loud to myself saying it's only thoughts they do not define who I am and this so far is helping a little I will get through this and I will get myself back to the old me can I ask what meds u are on? Xx

17-05-16, 18:43
Can I ask what constitutes an intrusive thought because I don't think I've had them? When I first started taking the citalopram I went through a funny stage of questioning everything, even down to why I had picked a certain fork out of the cutlery drawer! But that wore off after a while and I stopped having those thoughts. Is that what intrusive thoughts are?

17-05-16, 19:13
There not nice thoughts had them before I started cit was put on fluoxetine and that started them off then doc told me to come straight off them and put me on cit