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View Full Version : Please help me somebody

17-05-16, 14:52
I'm a 42 year old Woman who is overweight. I've got CFS plus an under active thyroid. I've suffered from health anxiety for quite a few years and recently I've been getting these 'attacks'. It started a few weeks ago when I had heart palpitations sometimes, felt cold and shivery on and off plus get cramp in my calves. I had convinced myself I was anaemic so went to the Doctor for a full blood count (normal) and thyroid (it is under active but I had to reduce my medication as it was slightly over). Since then all my symptoms have accelerated for no reason. My symptoms are Heart speeds up suddenly then drops quickly, palpitations, face flushes, leg cramps, shivery and cold out of the blue, heavy feeling on my chest, feel as if I'm not real all the time but sometimes I get episodes where I feel dread and as if something awful will happen then for a few seconds I feel really detached from reality and have to hold it together. My Fitbit heart rate goes all over the place as I'm always checking it. I ended up in a&e at the weekend as my heart rate was up to 130 and I felt awful. I've had a normal ecg and in a&e had another one where the rythym was normal but it was beating too fast (sinus tachycardia). I'm so scared. I can function. My Doctor said its not my thyroid causing these symptoms. I diagnosed myself with anaemia, lymphoma, adrenal cancer, partial seizures and carcinoid syndrome. I'm struggling to look after my son. My Doctor has referred me for a 48hr monitor. Thank you for reading this far. Please can anyone help me as I feel I'm living in a hell at the moment.

17-05-16, 15:33
hi im really sorry to hear your suffering too :( i wanted to reply because im having pretty much the same symptoms as you! i too have been a and e they say my heart just racing all tests normal
im under the emergency mental health team as i feel like im losing my mind at mo i just dont understand what is causing the symptoms either

17-05-16, 15:39
Thank you for your reply, I'm sorry you are struggling too. It's awful. I feel as if my life will never be the same 😞. I hope you are ok.

17-05-16, 16:09
same here hun everyone tells you its anxiety and your fine but your getting all these symptoms and are always doubting them
do you find anything helps you?
48 hour monitor will reasure you greatly i had a 24 hour one and it calmed me right down only reason im worried now is due to something changing in my medications that could of altered it but its unlikely still

17-05-16, 16:16
Nothing seems to be helping at the moment. I'm not taking any anxiety medication just thyroxine. I hope you feel better soon x

17-05-16, 16:21
u too hun maybe speak to your gp about medication? it does help x

17-05-16, 16:37
I've got some diazepam but scared to use it as don't want to get addicted to it x