View Full Version : Hangover Anxiety Stag Party (Chaos)

17-05-16, 15:25
Hey Everyone!

Just wondering if anyone knows a good cure for anxiety / panic attacks after drinking alcohol.

I have my Stag party next month and I suffer pretty badly from Anxiety / Harbored breathing when I've drink too much the night before.

I'll be going abroad for 3 nights of continuous partying and think I could really struggle.

None of my friends know of my mental disorders, as I can normally manage it quite well when I know I'm at home the next day etc.

I know the obvious answer is to not drink!. But just thought I'd see if anyone can recommend anything in which could help out during the 3 nights of binge!.

I've had this GAD / Panic problem for 12 years now! seen numerous therapists / doctors and understand both problems fully.

I've never taken medication for it, so if anyone thinks this would help then please let me know.



17-05-16, 15:36
Frankly, besides the obvious (don't drink!), I don't have any other suggestions.

Drinking and anxiety often results in increased symptoms. Medication can be effective but I wouldn't recommend it in combination with alcohol.

Positive thoughts

17-05-16, 16:47
Agreed. There's nothing you can do about it if you decide to drink too much other than ride it out.

Just pace yourself. There's no real obligation to get battered.

18-05-16, 11:32
You haven't met my friends! haha!.

Cheers guys! :D

18-05-16, 14:27
I think this is one of those times where you put your health before peer pressure! ;)

18-05-16, 15:03
Maybe drink, but don't drink a lot? Pretend you're drinking more than you actually do? Order a coke say its a double etc? Or order beer that's low in alcohol? And drink SLOWLY?

The one hangover "cure" that works is not drinking too much sorry. A hangover happens because your body runs out of what it needs to break down the alcohol. So once you've hit that point nothing can prevent it.

Drinking milk before and eating eggs help I believe, but to be honest if you're going on a 3 day bender I don't think either of those will make much difference! You might even regret them...
A roast dinner is a good hangover munchie I've found. Lots of vitamins and protein and carbs to perk you up. Water too.