View Full Version : Humidity & headache

17-05-16, 21:00
Does anyone else get headaches when the humidity is high? I have hayfever too but this usually starts later, In June. I have had a pressure headache for 2 days now and wondering if it's due to the humidity. I live in The East Midlands and just checked the weather and humidity is 73% at the moment although temperature is 13 degrees, with a risk of a storm tomorrow:unsure:. Just interested to see if anyone else has humidity related headaches or has any input. Many thanks.

17-05-16, 21:05
I think humidity could cause headaches yes but you mentioned hayfever and I know that definitely makes my head feel pressured when it gets bad, not nice at all. So a combination of the two is probably giving you these headaches.

Hope it eases up soon for you.

17-05-16, 22:16
Hi thanks for your reply. Hayfever not really a problem yet, as I said it starts about June time, although a few sneezes today.

17-05-16, 22:19
Humidity usually makes my chest hurt but not my head. Allergies make my head hurt/pressure. You said you've been sneezing. Could be the beginning of hay fever or a sinus infection.

17-05-16, 23:14
Not me but my GF has always said that thunder weather has done that too her.

17-05-16, 23:48
Weather in general can and does affect us physically in various ways. From all the surgeries I've had as well as age, I can predict rain and nasty weather better than weather.gov! ~lol~

Positive thoughts

18-05-16, 08:08
Hi everyone, thank you for your replies. I think it's gone now! And am leaning towards the hayfever being the cause even though symptoms are not pronounced yet :)

18-05-16, 10:58
Hi everyone, thank you for your replies. I think it's gone now! And am leaning towards the hayfever being the cause even though symptoms are not pronounced yet :)

I get headaches with humidity too. I always say to my boyfriend that we're going to get a thunderstorm because i can feel it in my head.. strange. Not got any allergies as far as i know x