View Full Version : Can't eat/swallow/bag digestion.

18-05-16, 00:25
Has anyone ever had this?

For the last 2 months it's felt like I can't eat properly. Sometimes I get hungry but when I'm trying to chew and swallow it feels like I'm going to be sick or get my food stuck in my throat.

Other times I just don't feel hungry at all and have to force myself to eat something, sometimes only eating 1 meal a day. Then I feel sick/bloated after I eat and I feel like my whole system is just at a stand still as I don't get the need to go to the toilet as much and when I do I feel constipated.

18-05-16, 01:22
When I was little I went through something similar. Right after my mom had my little brother, I basically could not eat. Eating made me feel sick and I just couldn't do it. I lost a lot of weight and my mom got really worried. I was seven so I was old enough to remember most of it. She said she took me out and we had a special day at the mall together and I guess that fixed it. We think it was anxiety about the big change from my brother being born.

Has there been a major change in your life recently? Something that you wouldn't even think would cause you anxiety?

18-05-16, 04:07
No major changes, no. My health anxiety symptoms do tend to shift around though, so perhaps this is just a manifestation of that?

18-05-16, 10:49
Hey panictyme, sorry to hear your going through this. I can relate myself being honest, as it's probably the 3rd time I've had this since I started suffering.

The condition with your throat is something called globus hystericus or globus sensation it's an idiopathic or imagined lump in the throat which is a very common anxiety symptom. There's no physical issue or blockage, it just feels that way. It doesn't affect your ability to eat and isn't in the slightest bit dangerous, so don't worry and it will pass when you start giving it less attention. Mines always gone in the past and it will this time soon.

Don't worry about your digestion either,anxiety plays havoc with it. It will pass when your feeling more relaxed. Feel better soon