View Full Version : Recital tomorrow very nervous!

18-05-16, 02:55
My daughter has her kindergarten recital at 9am. I'm so never out to go but I can't miss it. Shed never forgive me. My plan is to go a little late to hopefully get a spot in the back near the door. Her school is already a huge trigger for me. Morning are bad for me in general. any advice o handling this is appreciated. It's going to take every fiber of my being to get my butt into that auditorium.

18-05-16, 03:04
Whatever you have to do to be there.... do it! Don't let your anxiety rob you of this once in a lifetime moment!

Positive thoughts

18-05-16, 03:23
Anxiety can rob us of so much! YOU CAN do it!!!

18-05-16, 03:30
It will be hard but you can do it! And you should feel so proud for pushing yourself to go :)

Maybe give yourself a treat after? I know that helps me. Like I'll plan to do something afterwards that I know I can look forward to while I'm doing whatever makes me anxious. Be it ice-cream, having a friend over for dinner or going to see my mum, whatever it is that will make me feel safer and calmer.

18-05-16, 03:42
Thanks guys. They are only doing a few songs and she's so excited. I'll try to stay as close to the doors as I can to make a quick getaway. I have a note from her on our fridge that says I love you mom so I'm gonna take that and keep it in my pocket.

18-05-16, 14:40
Thanks guys. They are only doing a few songs and she's so excited. I'll try to stay as close to the doors as I can to make a quick getaway. I have a note from her on our fridge that says I love you mom so I'm gonna take that and keep it in my pocket.

That's so beautiful!

18-05-16, 15:07
I had to park like half a mile away so I was late but I heard a few songs and I can still tell her I was there. I feel horrible for missing the first few songs. I literally cried all the way home. I feel like the worst parent in the world for missing some of it

18-05-16, 16:45
Mislove. My anxiety made me miss similar events. I had tried every non prescription treatment known to man. Those work, but they take time. I started to have a nerve calming drink but I knew that was a slippery slope. Four years ago my doctor gave me a beta blocker 10mg and Xanax 10 mg. 10 pills of beta blocker and 5 Xanax. He told me they were for emergency and if I wanted a refill I had to tell him how I used them. BTW, he recommended I break the Xanax in half.
I continue to this day in therapy and I refill that prescription around once per year. Just having them near me helps but when the panic feels crippling and I have time I take the beta blocker, stops the physical symptoms that trigger my panic/anxiety.....if I am paralyzed and no time, I put the half Xanax under my tongue and in 15 minutes I am good to go.
Meds are different for everyone and I respect all views on the pros and cons, but I suffered much longer than I needed by being to pure or too proud to combine medicine and therapy. One month ago I presented in front of 600 people thanks to my security blanket. Now I go to school the kids school events without fear.....my new fear is forgetting my meds.....isn't anxiety wonderful!
Maybe you have explored this but in case you haven't I wanted to share. Your note really hit home with me as I knew that experience all too often. Take care, stay strong, you are not alone.

19-05-16, 13:50
I am going to my dr tomorrow for my yearly visit. She's a very kind Doctor and I'm going to talk to her about treatment options. I have come along want on my own with my anxiety but I still need help of doing things in public. My panic attacks doing the grocery shopping and decreased so much that I can manage it and somewhat ignore them. But this event yesterday set me off. I kept waking up the night before and didn't sleep well. Last night I kept waking up with a racing heart and today my muscles are very sore, although that is probably because of my new yoga I have been doing. But anxiety too. I hope my dr can offer advice for me and not want to put me on meds everyday. Thanks for the kind words Wise!

19-05-16, 14:36
Try not to focus on missing the songs and remind yourself how much you put yourself through to be there! That is pure bravery to do what you did and I'm so in awe of that. I think it's wonderful you were there for her even though it took so much for you to do it. A lot of people wouldn't do that.

I definitely respect people's choice not to take meds but I don't really understand it.
Good luck!

21-05-16, 04:29
My dr wrote me a script for Lexapro but I won't be taking it. I don't want to be dependent on meds. I'm going to try to keep fighting my anxiety and hope for the best