View Full Version : Somatic Symptom Disorder?

18-05-16, 04:20
If anyone can tell me if this is the same as health anxiety that would be helpful. I am having anxiety now about having this

Basically its like your mind is causing you symptoms and real pain, which is what i'm going through right now and i have had many things go wrong with my body in 3 months, What scares me the most is that it says on prognosis, that it may last for years. So is there no way out of this? I am getting very discouraged, I feel like everyday is a constant battle, Will i ever be my normal self again without all of these disturbing body things that pop up? I will do anything to cure this, anything!! I just want to know if this is an actual thing that you can't control? like it's a disease in itself where your mind produces pain, and there's no cure? All of the criteria matches, like i am 28 years old female, my mom had chronic pain so maybe it's genetics, i just hope I dont have this! Someone please explain? thnks

18-05-16, 05:14

I think you are catastrophizing here because this is one of the groups of disorders that fall under the HA banner along with GAD and OCD. Please note that Somatic Symptom Disorder is actually a group of disorders and even includes Body Dysmorphic Disorder.

Also, there is nothing in that article that states there is no cure, only that it's hard to treat and is classed as chronic. So, are GAD & OCD.

This is disorder category from the US DSM-V. It's irrelevant to us in the UK as we use the WHO ICD-10 which has a different group known as Somatoform Disorders.

Are there people on here with this? I believe so, yes. Some people fit into certain criteria's of the WHO ICD-10 from the patterns of their behaviours more than they would GAD or OCD, but that's just my layman's opinion.

You mustn't worry about this even if you did get diagnosed with it, it changes nothing and is only there to provide a more accurate depiction of the anxiety. It will get treated the same as the rest of us with CBT.

And remember, there is no such thing as HA. That's a non diagnostic term used in places like this, not in medical literate. And because it covers broader disorders like GAD & OCD, as opposed to the specific nature of Somatic/Somatoform groups, HA does not account for potentially all the issues hence why it's not a medical term otherwise you would have non HA GAD people and non HA OCD people...like me...with the same disorder but in a different group for no reason at all.

Whether you do have this, is something for someone able to make the diagnosis. But if you do, it can just mean your anxiety fits that set of criteria as opposed to fitting GAD or OCD. It doesn't make it any worse.

This group you are worried about, in the US manual, and made by a diagnosis of exclusion. That will involved ruling out GAD & OCD too.

There is a good explanation of the disorder inside this group on Wiki. I won't link it here because I am concerned about the content of one of the disorders, Conversion Disorder, being triggering for people.