View Full Version : Please help me. Lymphoma scare

18-05-16, 05:00
I've been having a lot of different symptoms and I'm convinced it's lymphoma. I have a rash that itches really bad since March and it started on my lower stomach and spread upwards now it's on my breasts and on my hip by my butt. I don't have any swollen nodes no night sweats a little weight loss but I don't eat much. I went to see dermatologist for rash today and he just said pregnancy related but it doesn't look like that I keep running to the er crying and they just call me a hypochondriac and send me home. what set this al off is my liver is enlarged but they said it was normal? I had an ultrasound and this is the results
TECHNIQUE: Real-time sonographic examination of the right upper quadrant was performed by a sonographer and multiple images were saved for interpretation.

COMPARISON: Abdominal ultrasound from April 17, 2013


The liver remains upper normal in size with a maximal dimension of 18.6 cm; hepatic echogenicity and morphology are otherwise unremarkable. There is no intrahepatic biliary dilation. The common bile duct measures 3 mm. The gallbladder has an unremarkable
sonographic appearance. No pericholecystic fluid or significant gallbladder wall thickening. The sonographic Murphy sign was negative. The partially visualized pancreas is unremarkable.

IMPRESSION: Unremarkable abdominal ultrasound.

I'm just scared they are missing something and I do have it. I'm 31 weeks pregnant also

18-05-16, 10:57
So you have literally 0 symptoms of Lymphoma but you're convinced you have it?

18-05-16, 11:06

Your tests are all normal, which is reassuring. As you are pregnant you would have also have had a blood test which is probably normal as well.
Lymphoma is a blood cancer and would have been picked up by now plus you have no symptoms.

Take care.

Captain irrational
18-05-16, 11:43
First may I say, congratulations on your pregnancy. Now let's get some perspective.

- Your ultrasound has found absolutely nothing wrong with you (if you truly had lymphoma it would almost certainly have found something; tumours, enlarged lymph nodes etc)

- Your liver is NOT enlarged as the ultrasound has clearly shown, so where you are getting this idea that it is enlarged, I have no idea.

- It is actually very rare for lymphoma to cause visible rashes, and if it was caused by lymphoma, you would certainly have other symptoms. However, rashes are a very common side effect of pregnancy, as your dermatologist has said. Trust what they say, they are the experts, you are not.

I am 100% sure that you do not have lymphoma, you really have none of the telltale signs. You should focus your attentions instead on dealing with your anxiety and having a happy and healthy childbirth.

24-05-16, 03:54
Thanks guys.. I'm just so worried about the itching it's bad. But in the last month I've had mri of abdomen, about 4 cbcs 4 chemistry panels 3 urinalysis and since January have had ct of head and chest. All clear.. No crazy huge lymph nodes. Where would it be hiding?? I'm trying so hard to be rational but it's not working atm I have no night sweats no weight loss I am fatigued badly but I'm pregnant and due in a few weeks

24-05-16, 03:57
Have you been checked for obstetric cholestasis? That causes severe itching especially during the last tri of pregnancy. Lymphoma is not your problem. You don't have any signs of it! The biggest sign is a swollen node, which you don't have.

24-05-16, 05:03
Yes I was checked for that. My bile acids were normal. I don't know what to do.

24-05-16, 12:58
I don't know what to do.

Perhaps an OTC antihistamine? You'd have the added benefit of allergy relief. Speaking of which, have you changed detergents or soap products recently? As always, especially since you're pregnant, check with your GP.

Positive thoughts