View Full Version : Weird feeling in my calf

18-05-16, 07:00
I swear to God this never stops. I even broke my main tenet : never ever Google.

And what else could I stumble upon but a deep vein thrombosis?

Ever since I woke up this morning I've been feeling a nagging sensation in my right upper calf, under the knee joint. The feeling is quite localized and markedly to the right of my calf. It feels weird, almost indescribable...but not painful. The best I can do is that it feels like muscle fibers are bunched up and stuck together, like a light pinch, or maybe a slight digging sort of sensation. It's really not painful at all, just mad annoying.

The area is not warmer nor colder than the same area on the other calf and there's no swelling or redness. The feeling actually feels quite superficial, not skin deep but close. It feels as if it's at the muscle's surface. Weirder yet, when I'm standing or walking I actually feel it less than when I'm sitting or laying down. My leg easily withstands my full weight, it does not feel weak or anything.

I would have thought cramp but I used to have calf cramps (but then I started eating bananas) and I know very well how they feel. That violent, terrible pain like a knife is stuck in there. This isn't that at all.

I do have terrible posture when sitting - pinched nerve somewhere? What really worries me is that there seems to be little reason for that kind of sensation to happen. The best I can come up with is that I had a difficult night yesterday, lots of tossing and turning and it took very long to fall asleep. Maybe something got stuck or pulled when I was turning around.

However, I'm sitting a lot, but my nervous tics (moving my ankles back and forth if I have a leg over the other, or thumping my heel to the ground) mean my legs are in almost constant movement even when I'm sitting for long periods.

This is so annoying. I don't know what to think anymore.

18-05-16, 07:12
Blood clots are not subtle things when they are in your legs. They are extremely painful and make your legs swell up and turn purple, and usually only happen to older people that spend too much time sitting in one position. Like 18 hour airplane flights

It is probably nothing, but if it becomes painful or persists, visit a clinic and have it checked out to make sure you didn't unknowingly injure yourself.

But from what you described it sounds like a normal pang that someone who didn't suffer from health anxiety wouldn't give a second thought about

18-05-16, 22:19
Hopefully. This is why I hate Google. According to it, every condition can be subtle or entirely asymptomatic.

Anyway it seems to come and go. I woke up last night with terrible stomach cramps, but my calf wasn't bothering me. I woke up this morning and I wasn't feeling it. Now, I do a little bit. DVT pain worsens over time (and quickly) and never lets up, so in all probability, it's not that.

I'll have to go see my GP for blood test results, next time I'm over there, if it's still bothering me I'll ask.

20-05-16, 17:51
Well, I finally figured out what it was.

I switched shoes a week or so ago with the arrival of decent goddamn weather, but it seems they don't agree with me. One of the tendons behind my right knee is slightly inflamed and that's what's causing that weird sensation in my calf. I started having knee pain as well, as if I had tried to rotate it off-axis, so that's what clued me.

I'll need new summer shoes.

20-05-16, 17:57
That's one of those things you can post on the "what you thought it was vs. reality" threads that pop up from time to time :)

Have fun shoe shopping! :)

Positive thoughts