View Full Version : Convincing myself

18-05-16, 12:37
Even though recently i have been totally fine and not anywhere near my anxious worst, i still have the one thought i am going to be dizzy/lightheaded , off balance whatever you may call it, ever since i had a few really bad episodes with my tinnitus/ear infection a few months back , the feeling that i am dizzy or i am going to be dizzy is always in my mind i almost convince myself i am dizzy at times even though i am not.

dont get me wrong my anxiety has all but disappeared and its not dominating my life but just wanted to know does anyone else almost force themselves to believe there is something wrong?

18-05-16, 13:15
That's an interesting question. I personally equate it to quitting smoking. I've been tobacco free for almost 4 years. I STILL get the urge now and again, especially when I smell a good cigar. I also find myself occasionally getting down on myself or feeling down. It's like you want to return to what you've known for so long prior to recovery.

That's where the tools you've learned (and hopefully practice) come into play. I still employ CBT techniques and methods I learned in therapy to quell the negativity and it works. It takes effort and persistence to continue on the healing path but don't beat yourself up if you have an occasional blip. Just get back on the wagon and tell those thoughts to piss off!

Positive thoughts

18-05-16, 13:20
ye agreed. to be honest this is the first day i've been feeling a return of any anxiety, i keep telling myself i am dizzy yet it onlyhappens in work its like i fear it in work because it happened to me whilst in work. starting to get a little bit anxious but dealing with it quite well compared to months ago.

when i get anxious its the same thing over and over again , im dizzy lightdeaded think my brain has an issue or my chest has a slight pain and i cant get it out of my head

18-05-16, 14:22
I completely relate to ur dizziness fear. It's the one feeling/sensation that triggers my anxiety. I have felt dizzy all morning at work as tho I am unbalanced but as soon as I'm home it seems to clear. I also get head jolts if that makes sense. But dizziness is my main symptom and biggest fear

18-05-16, 15:35
very similar sydney, i think my anxiety used to always be about my heart but since the time my tinnitus got really bad and i had really bad bouts of dizziness in work it made me feel so nasueas along with my heart racing which triggered a panic attack its been my main cause of anxiety